- Backstrips and corners rubbed, otherwise a fine set.
= The rare complete first Dutch edition, WITH the often lacking map of Abyssinia. Cf. Gay 44 (French eds.); Cox I, p.388f; Howgego B171 (Engl. eds.); cf. Kainbacher I, p.154 (German eds.). "The result of his travels was a very great enrichment of the knowledge of geography and ethnography." (Cox).
- Owner's stamp on title-p.; occas. sl. browned as usual (affecting a few maps and plates), nevertheless contents fine. Binding fine apart from some worn spots along margins and sl. split upper joint.
= The second revised and best edition (first 1668). Tiele 298; Gay 219; Mendelssohn II, p.119. The first large general description of the African continent. The work is based on the early accounts of the Portuguese and Spanish explorers, the English works by Purchass and Jarrick, the journals and descriptions of Dutch navigators like Van Noort, Van Neck, Linschoten, Spilbergen, but especially on unpublished reports and eye-witness accounts of Dutch merchants, visitors and soldiers. Very detailed on the West Coast, where the Dutch ivory-, gold- and slave-trade flourished and on Angola (Luanda was captured by a WIC fleet in 1647). On the settlement on the Cape only a cursory note is found, while the surrounding tribes are described in remarkable detail. The second part, devoted to the African islands, from Malta to Madagascar, includes an ample account of the French colonization of the latter. The work is famous for its splendid detailed maps and plates, i.a. engraved after drawings by Reinier Noomsz (Zeeman).
- Stamp on title-p.; occas. sl. foxed/ sl. fingersoiled. Two vols. joint(s) strengthened/ restored.
= Tiele 659 (erroneously calls for 6 vols.); cf. Mendelssohn I, p.889; cf. Gay 3118. Cox I, p.389: " (...) interesting as an account of South Africa at a time when comparatively little was known regarding its natural history and the Dutch settlers". Henze III, p.228: "Seine Werke fesselte durch lebhafte, flüssige Diktion und mußten Gemüter mächtig ansprechen, in denen noch Rousseausche Ideen nachklangen. Kein Reise-schriftsteller über Süd-Afrika hat größere Beachtung in west. Ausland gefunden als er."
- Maps partly sl. foxed (mainly on verso); one map strengthened at extremities of folds on verso. Good/ fine set in very fine bindings.
= Stanley's account of his 4th and last African expedition all the way from the East Coast to Egypt. The original English edition was published in 1890. The third part contains the Dutch translation of the sequel to Stanley's In darkest Africa: Arthur Jephson's account of the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition.
- Almanac interleaved w. some contemp. annots. on blank lvs. A very fine copy.
= Rare almanac, no copy traced on the market or in libraries.
- From the library of Bob Luza with his bookplate on upper pastedowns. Tear (±5 cm.) in map; fold. plate foxed; 1 handcol. plate sl. thumbed. Binding rubbed.
= Landwehr, Dutch Books w. Col. Plates 253; Cat. NHSM, p.270; Sabin 11190; Howes C215; Howgego C63; not in Tiele. Henze I, p.518: "(...) Seine Travels erschienen erst 1778, erlebten dann aber schnell 23 Ausgaben und wurden eins der populärsten Reisewerke über N.-Amerikas. Neben der Beschreibung der Reise enthält das Werk reiche Beobachtungen über Sitten und Bräuche, Religion und Sprache der Indianer. Es findet sich darin wohl auch erstmals der Name "Oregon" als Bezeichnung des "Grossen West-Flusses", der "bei der Anian-Strasse in den Pazifik mündet.""
- Occas. sl. yellowed. Sl. chafed spot on frontcover of vol.1; spine-ends partly sl. chipped. Otherwise bindings and contents fine.
= Contains a large number of interesting and detailed maps and plans of both Americas, i.a. of "Mexico en Nieuw Granada", Vera Cruz (2x diff.), Porto Bello, Panama, Carthagena (2x diff.), Lima, Rio de la Plata, Valparayso, Surinam, Martinique, Porto Rico, New Orleans, Quebec (siege of the English) and Canada. Sabin 31212: "The latter half of the third volume relates to Louisiana, Canada and the countries near Hudson's Bay. The numerous maps and plates are well executed."
- Blank margins sl. foxed (endpapers worse); both vols. cancel stamp on first free endpaper; first few leaves and 2nd half of vol.2 (partly vaguely) waterstained in lower outer mainly blank margin.
= Sabin 36988, quoting Stevens: "Far superior to the [orig.] Swedish or English editions." Fred. Muller, Cat Books on America 829-832; Cat. NHSM I, p.269; Tiele 577; Henze II, 7f. Howes K 5: "Most trustworthy description of Swedish settlements in 18th century Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania."; Cox II, p.142: "This voyage of the Swedish naturalist was undertaken for the purpose of discovering whether any North American plants could be introduced advantageously into Sweden." This first and only Dutch edition is nowadays very rare.
- New endpapers; tiny hole in p.7-8. Otherwise a fine copy.
= Very rare journal in which the manners and customs of the native Americans are described for the first time. Sabin 89449; Tiele 1028; Tiele, Mémoire p.69-72: "Réimpression du précédent, avec abréviations, sans la préface, & avec une autre addition à la fin (p.62-64), contenant une notice succincte des coutumes des indigènes Américains".
- Frontcover 1st vol. stained. Otherwise a fine copy.
= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 19; Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 44.
- Fold. plate of "Admiraalzeilen" w. skilful restorations on folds and lower blank margin sl. browned/ frayed; lower pastedown w. library stamp. Upper joint splitting at foot of spine (±2 cm.). (Very) good copy.
= Fine Dutch Royal Entry book, relating the visit of Maria de Medicis to Amsterdam, 31 August-5 September 1638, with beautiful views of Amsterdam by Salomon Saverij and Pieter Nolpe, including the splendid large folding plate of "Admiraalzeilen op het IJ" and two fine prints of the not yet filled-in Rokin: "Watergevecht" and "Spiegelgevecht". Landwehr, Splendid ceremonies 110; Snoep, Praal en propaganda p.39-76; Hollstein XXIV, 144 (Saverij) and XIV, 86-94 (Nolpe); F.M. 1793. With the loosely inserted print depicting the four burgomasters of Amsterdam by J. Suyderhoef, very often lacking: "zoo houd ik mij vast overtuigd, dat deze plaat geen deel van het werk uitmaakt en er niet in behoort" (Fred. Muller).
- First quire some vague waterst. Spine-ends sl. worn. Untrimmed copy.
= F.M. 5407a; Atlas van Stolk 3326; Landwehr, Dutch Books w. Col. Plates 240; Lipperheide Sm13 (12 plates only).
- A few leaves trifle foxed in margin. Corners sl. rubbed. Otherwise fine.
- Bookplate on upper pastedown; sl. later owner's entry on verso 1st blank. Upper joint starting.
= Funck p.359. The best account of the so-called miracle of Amsterdam (1345). With dedication to Peter Paul Rubens (8p.).
- A very fine LARGE PAPER COPY, with the plates of vol. 1-3 printed on heavy paper. Vol.1-3 paper over covers sl. chafed. Vol.4 a few foxed leaves; corners and paper over covers worn/ chafed; spine-ends chipped. Otherwise fine.
= From the library of Mr. Jan Jacob van Beaumont, administrator of the West-Indische Compagnie in the 1780s. Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 311; Haitsma/ Mulier 507i.
- A fine copy. = Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 522a; Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 336.
- The woodcut volvelle with the plumb line (verso f.XIII) lacks the lead weight (as practically always) and one movable disc; volvelle on verso f.XI lacks movable disc; worldmap apparently counterfeit (see note below); contemp. owner's entry on title-p. and first free endpaper. Spine-ends (sl.) dam.
= Pettegree/ Walsby 242; Van Ortroy, Bio-bibliographie (...) Gemma Frisius no.27; cf. Bibl. Belgica A 36 (this ed. not in Bibl. Belgica, but listed in note in Vol.1 on p.93); Shirley no.82 and no.96 refer to a deceptive counterfeit of the worldmap (the "Charta Cosmographia") made after the second woodblock of the Apian worldmap (which was used in the editions published in 1553). None of the Flemish editions listed in the Bibliotheca Belgica mention the plate with the plumb line on verso of f. XI (which is also a volvelle plate as is shown by the copy of the 1573 ed. held in University LIbrary in Ghent). One of the most important and popular 16th cent. works on cosmography, this treatise deals i.a. with triangulation, the climatic zones in which the earth may be divided, and with methods of determining latitude and longitude.
- Fold. plan tear in inner margin repaired w. paper (±15 cm.). Vellum sl. soiled. Contents fine.
= Attractive plates of places in or near Rozendaal Castle, i.a. "De Agter Vyver van Rozendael van Boven te zien uyt het Kabinet naer 't Huys", "De Nieuwe Grott van Rozendael van Vooren met de Hartshoofden by de Vis Vyver" and "Gesigt van den Dicken Tooren of over de geheelen Tuyn na de Stadt Arnhem". Gouda Quint p.198f; Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 237.
- First 2 prints trifle duststained in outer blank margin, otherwise contents fine.
= Rare artists' manual.