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Page 719 of 1858 Results 14361 - 14380 of 37146
78 2272 Medicine  Canstatt C 78 2272 Medicine Canstatt C
78/2272 [Medicine]. Canstatt, C. De bijzondere ziekte- en genezingsleer uit een klinisch standpunt bewerkt. Transl. H.H. Hageman. Utr./ Amst., C. van der Post, Jr./ C.G. Van der Post, 1843-1846, 5 parts in 9 vols. (incl. index vol.), contemp. unif. gilt hmor.

- Occas. sl. browned/ soiled; 4th part owner's stamp on first free endpaper and first text leaf. Covers (sl.) rubbed/ worn; 4 vols. spine-ends sl. dam.; corners showing.

€ (50-70)
78 2273 Medicine  Capmas 78 2273 Medicine Capmas
78 2273 Medicine  Capmas 78 2273 Medicine Capmas
78/2273 [Medicine]. Capmas. Réflexions critiques, En forme de Lettre, Sur la cause de l'Accouchement. Brussels/ Paris, Didot le Jeune/ Mequignon, 1779, XXXVI,108p., contemp. marbled wr., sm. 8vo.

- Sl. dogeared at beginning. Frontcover and spine-ends sl. dam.

= Rare, not in the usual bibliographies.

Astruc, J. L'art d'accoucher réduit à ses principes, ou l'on expose les pratiques les plus sûres & les plus usitées dans les différentes espêces d'Accouchemens. Paris, P.G. Cavelier, 1771, LXXII,308p., 20th cent. boards.

= Wellcome I, p.65. On the art of midwifery of complicated deliveries. With a "Lettre sur la conduite qu'Adam & Eve durent tenir à la naissance de leurs premiers enfans".

AND 3 others similar, i.a. C.H. VALENTIN, Essai sur les pertes Qui précèdent, accompagnent ou suivent l'Accouchement (ibid., 1799, modern boards. Annot. in pen and ink on title-p.) and J.-M. BAYSSELLANCE, Dissertation sur le renversement de l'uterus (ibid., 1803, modern boards).

€ (100-150)
78 2274 Medicine  Cessner C J 78 2274 Medicine Cessner C J
78/2274 [Medicine]. Cessner, C.J. Handbuch der chirurgischen Instrumenten- und Verbandlehre. Vienna, L.W. Seidel, 1852, 1st ed., XII,412p., woodengr. ills., contemp. hcalf.

- Sl. foxed. Binding trifle worn.

€ (70-90)
78 2275 Medicine  Clevenger S V 78 2275 Medicine Clevenger S V
78/2275 [Medicine]. Clevenger, S.V. Spinal Concussion. Birmingham, Gryphon Editions, 1991, (4),V,(1),359,(2)p., orig. gilt rexine, large 8vo.

= The Classics of Neurology & Neurosurgery Library. Facsimile reprint of the Philadelphia/ London ed. 1889.

AND 5 other similar facsimile reprints of similar works, i.a. P. DEGRAVERS, A Complete Physico-Medical and Chirurgical Treatise on the Human Eye (New York, 1992).

€ (60-80) 70
78 2276 Medicine  Davis J S 78 2276 Medicine Davis J S
78 2276 Medicine  Davis J S 78 2276 Medicine Davis J S
78/2276 [Medicine]. Davis, J.S. Plastic surgery. Its Principles and Practice. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1919, 1st ed., XV,(1),770p., num. (photogr.) ills., orig. cl.

- A few sentences underlined on p.1-10; lacks first free endpaper. Bookblock shaken; spine-ends sl. worn.

€ (80-100) 80
78 2277 Medicine  Fischer B and Hartwich C  ed  78 2277 Medicine Fischer B and Hartwich C ed
78/2277 [Medicine]. Fischer, B. and Hartwich, C. (ed.). Hagers Handbuch der pharmazeutischen Praxis für Apotheker, Ärzte, Drogisten, und Medizinalbeamte. Berlin, J. Springer, 1919, 8th ed., 3 vols., VIII,1280; (4),1334,(1); XII,820,(4)p., orig. unif. giltlettered embossed hmor., large 8vo.
€ (60-80)
78 2278 Medicine  Hildenbrand J V de 78 2278 Medicine Hildenbrand J V de
78/2278 [Medicine]. Hildenbrand, J.V. de. Médécine pratique. Ed. A. Gauthier. Paris, Gabon, 1828, 2 parts in 1 vol., (6),319,(1); 272,19,(5)p., contemp. hcalf. Tourtelle, É. Élémens de matière médicale. Ouvrage posthume. Ibid./ Strasbourg, Levrault frères, 1802, (4),XXXIII,(1),330,(3)p., contemp. gilt hcalf w. mor. letterpiece. - AND 2 others, i.a. R. HENRY and A. DEMONCHY, Manuel d'Urétroscopie (Paris, 1920, plates, ills., contemp. hmor.).
€ (40-60)
78 2279 Medicine  Kluyskens J F  ed  78 2279 Medicine Kluyskens J F ed
78 2279 Medicine  Kluyskens J F  ed  78 2279 Medicine Kluyskens J F ed
78/2279 [Medicine]. Kluyskens, J.F. (ed.). Annales de littérature médicale étrangère. Ghent, P.F. de Goesin-Verhaeghe, 1805-1813, 17 vols., 6 fold. engr. plates (2x (partly) printed in red), 3 fold. tables, contemp. unif. gilt hcalf w. contrasting mor. letter- and vol. piece.

- Bindings sl. worn; vol. 2 lacks vol. piece.

€ (100-150) 100
78 2280 Medicine  Platen M 78 2280 Medicine Platen M
78/2280 [Medicine]. Platen, M. Die Neue Heilmethode. Lehrbuch der Naturgemäßen Lebensweise, der Gesundheitspflege und der naturgemäßen Heilweise (diätetisch-physikalische Therapie). Berlin etc., Bong & Co, n.d. (±1910), 3 vols., (10),628; (6),855; (4),576p., 10 col. lithogr. multi-layered anatomical plates, 62 (col. lithogr.) plates, 601 ills., orig. unif. gilt pict. cl.

- Good/ fine set.

€ (40-60) 60
78 2281 Medicine  Raulin J 78 2281 Medicine Raulin J
78/2281 [Medicine]. Raulin, J. Des maladies occasionnées par les promptes et fréquentes Variations de l'Air, considéré comme Atmosphere terrestre; avec l'explication méchanique de leurs principaux symptômes, & la méthode de les guérir. Paris, Huart & Moreau, 1752, XII,458,(5)p., 2 fold. engr. plates, contemp. gilt calf w. mor. letterpiece.

- Waterst. in upper margin at the end (incl. the plates). Binding chafed and sl. worn; top of spine dam.; corners showing.

= Osler 3764.

€ (50-70)
78 2282 Medicine  Smellie W 78 2282 Medicine Smellie W
78 2282 Medicine  Smellie W 78 2282 Medicine Smellie W
78 2282 Medicine  Smellie W 78 2282 Medicine Smellie W
78 2282 Medicine  Smellie W 78 2282 Medicine Smellie W
78/2282 [Medicine]. Smellie, W. Verzameling van ontleedkundige afbeeldingen, met derzelver uitleggingen; benevens een kort begrip der Vroedkunde (...)./ Verzameling van vroedkundige gevallen en waarneemingen./ Verzameling van tegennatuurlyke gevallen en waarneemingen in de vroedkunde. Dutch transl. M. van der Haage. Amst., J. Morterre, 1765-1766, 4 parts in 1 vol. (the first part bound in 3 separate sections), 42; XXVIII,266; XII,p.43-64; 262; VIII,XVI,p.65-78; 304p., 43 fold. engr. plates, each w. accomp. textleaf, contemp. 19th cent. hcalf, sm. 4to.

- Partly water-/ duststained in (blank) margins (occas. sl. affecting image/ text); large (double-p) calligraphed bookplate. ("Th.B. Lekkerkerker") pasted over 2 textpages; Corners sl. rubbed.

= BMN I, p.338; Bibliotheca Walleriana 9014; Hagelin p.118-119 on the orig. Engl. ed. "Smellie contributed more to the fundamentals of obstetrics than virtually any individual." (Garrison/ Morton 6154).

€ (250-350)
78 2283 Medicine  Solingen C 78 2283 Medicine Solingen C
78/2283 [Medicine]. Solingen, C. Manuale Operatien der Chirurgie, beneffens het Ampt en Pligt der Vroedvrouwen, midsgaders besondere Aenmerkingen, de Vrouwen en Kinderen betreffende. Amst., J. Bouman, 1684, 3 parts in 1 vol., (30),376; (22),73,(1); (4),56,(6)p., engr. title, 13 fold. plates, contemp. overlapping vellum, 4to.

- Occas. sl. foxed/ stained; a few lvs. w. sm. wormholes. Otherwise a fine, large paper copy.

= BMN I, p.59; Waller 9068; Fasbender p.198 ("C. Solingen wird als ein gewalttätiger Mann geschildert und hierfür könnte sehr wohl die Art seiner Operativen Geburtshülfe sprechen"). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LIX.

€ (400-600) 750
78 2284 Medicine  Veslingius J 78 2284 Medicine Veslingius J
78 2284 Medicine  Veslingius J 78 2284 Medicine Veslingius J
78 2284 Medicine  Veslingius J 78 2284 Medicine Veslingius J
78/2284 [Medicine]. Veslingius, J. Konstige Ontleding Des Menschelijcken Lichaems; In 't Latijn beschreven Door (...) Joannes Veslingius, Opper Leeraer der Genees-konst, in de vermaerde Hooge School te Padua. Dutch transl. G. Blasius. Amst., G. Sweerman, 1661, (22),259,(21)p., engr. frontisp. and 24 plates, contemp. vellum, sm. 8vo.

- Pastedowns detached; plates sl. fingersoiled (1x loose and w. tear); margins partly (vaguely) waterst./ occas. sl. mouldy. Vellum soiled.

= Rare, only 3 copies in STCN. BMN I, p.82; Krivatsky 12335; Bibl. Walleriana 9928 (ed. 1659); Hirsch VI, p.97f.

€ (300-500) 700
78 2285 Meteorology  Buisman J 78 2285 Meteorology Buisman J
78/2285 [Meteorology]. Buisman, J. Duizend jaar weer, wind en water in de lage landen. Ed. A.F.V. van Engelen. Franeker, Van Wijnen, 1995-2019, 7 vols., num. (col.) plates, ills., orig. unif. boards. - AND 1 other by the same: Extreem weer! (ibid., 2011, num. ills., orig. boards).

- All fine.

€ (70-90) 90
78 2286 Microscopy  Baker H 78 2286 Microscopy Baker H
78 2286 Microscopy  Baker H 78 2286 Microscopy Baker H
78 2286 Microscopy  Baker H 78 2286 Microscopy Baker H
78/2286 [Microscopy]. Baker, H. Het Microscoop gemakkelyk gemaakt of Beschryving Van de Beste en Nieuwste Microscoopen, en van derzelver Behandeling. Als mede een Berigt van de Verbaazende Ontdekkingen gedaan met Vergrootglazen. Amst., I. Tirion, 1744, 1st Dutch ed., (24),300,(16)p., engr. title-vignette and 14 fold. plates, fold. letterpress table, contemp. gilt hcalf w. red mor. letterpiece.

- Upper hinge weak. Letterpiece dam.; corners showing.

= Bierens de Haan 2162; Nissen, ZBI 202. Cf. Poggendorff I, p.91; DSB I, p.410f: "(...) he is especially noted for his popularization of the use of the microscope and for his contribution to the study of crystals. (...) The first edition of The Microscope Made Easy appeared in 1742; it ran to five editions in Baker's lifetime and was translated into several foreign languages. (...) Henry Baker was in many respects a typical natural philosopher of the eighteenth century. His interest ranged widely, and his skills were equally various; he was by no means dedicated to one branch of study, nor did he do research in modern sense. Yet he deserved the title "a philosopher in little things"; and he had the rare gift of communicating his knowledge of, and above all his enthusiasm for, the microscope to others. (...) He regarded the microscope with reverence, as a means to the deeper appreciation of the wonders of God's world."

€ (120-150) 200
78 2287 Microscopy  Baker H 78 2287 Microscopy Baker H
78 2287 Microscopy  Baker H 78 2287 Microscopy Baker H
78/2287 [Microscopy]. Baker, H. Het mikroskoop gemakkelyk gemaakt, of gemeenzaame beschryving, van allerley werktuigen, die men gebruikt om zeer kleine Diertjes en andere Voorwerpen, klaar en duidelyk, vergroot zynde, te beschouwen. Amst., Erven F. Houttuyn, 1778, 3rd much enl. ed. by M. Houttuyn, 36,496,(16)p., 28 fold. engr. plates, 1 fold. table, contemp. hcalf.

- A few lvs. sl. dogeared/ waterstained in margin; plates fine. Binding (sl.) worn/ chafed.

= Poggendorff I, p.91; Bierens de Haan 2162; Nissen, ZBI 202; DSB I, p.410ff.

€ (100-150) 130
78 2288 Microscopy  Baker H 78 2288 Microscopy Baker H
78/2288 [Microscopy]. Baker, H. Het mikroskoop gemakkelyk gemaakt, of gemeenzaame beschryving, van allerley werktuigen, die men gebruikt om zeer kleine diertjes en andere voorwerpen, klaar en duidelyk, vergroot zynde, te beschouwen. Amst., Erven F. Houttuyn, 1778, 3rd much enl. ed. by M. Houttuyn, 36,496,(16)p., 28 fold. engr. plates, 1 fold. table, contemp. hcalf w. mor. letterpiece.

- Binding trifle rubbed. = Nissen, ZBI 202.

AND 1 other: M. WILLKOMM, De wonderen van het mikroskoop (...) (Leyden, 1860, ills., contemp. hcalf w. mor. letterpiece).

€ (100-150) 100
78 2289 Microscopy  Baker H 78 2289 Microscopy Baker H
78/2289 [Microscopy]. Baker, H. Nuttig gebruik Van het Mikroskoop, of handleiding tot nieuwe waarnemingen. (...) In het Engelsch beschreeven (...). Hier agter is gevoegd de natuurlyke historie van Polypen. Amst., F. Houttuyn, 1756, 1st Dutch ed., (16),498,(14)p., 18 fold. engr. plates, modern antique style gilt hleather.

- Trifle yellowed/ foxed towards the end.

= Poggendorff I, p.91; Bierens de Haan 2163; DSB I, p.410ff: "(...) he is especially noted for his popularization of the use of the microscope and for his contribution to the study of chrystals. (...) The first edition of The microscope made easy appeared in 1742; it ran to five editions in Baker's lifetime and was translated into several foreign languages. (...) Henry Baker was in many respects a typical natural philosopher of the eighteenth century. His interest ranged widely, and his skills were equally various: he was by no means dedicated to one branch of study, nor did he do research in modern sense. Yet he deserved the title "a philosopher in little things"; and he had the rare gift of communicating his knowledge of, and above all his enthusiasm for, the microscope to others. (...) He regarded the microscope with reverence, as a means to the deeper appreciation of the wonders of God's world."

€ (100-150)
78 2290 Microscopy  Joblot L 78 2290 Microscopy Joblot L
78 2290 Microscopy  Joblot L 78 2290 Microscopy Joblot L
78 2290 Microscopy  Joblot L 78 2290 Microscopy Joblot L
78/2290 [Microscopy]. Joblot, L. Observations d'histoire naturelle, faites avec le microscope, Sur un grand nombre d'Insectes, & sur les Animalcules qui se trouvent dans les liqueurs préparées, & dans celles qui ne le sont pas, &c. avec la Description & les Usages des différens Microscopes, &c. Paris, Briasson, 1754-1755, 2nd ed., 4 parts in 1 vol., 4 ident. engr. vignettes, 53 fold. plates by i.a. J.B. HAUSSARD, contemp. catspaw calf, gilt spine w. red mor. letterpiece, 4to.

- Upper joint splitting; spine-ends worn; corners showing.

= Nissen, ZBI 2114; Hagen I, p.402; Horn & Schenkling II, 11273; Wellcome III, p. 356; cf. Bibliotheca Walleriana 10856 (listing the first edition publ. in 1718 as Descriptions et usages de plusieurs nouveaux microscopes, tant simples que composez). The second enlarged edition of a scientific work concerning microscopy by the French naturalist Louis Joblot (1645-1723). "The publication of Descriptions established Joblot as the first French microscopist. The first part of the book described several microscopes and their construction and introduced some improvements, including the use of stops (diaphragms) in compound microscopes to correct for chromatic aberration. Joblot designed the first porte loupe, a simple preparation microscope in which the lens is supported by a string of 'Musschenbroek nuts,' forming a ball-and-socket jointed arm." (DSB VII, p.110). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LIX.

€ (400-600)
78 2291 Microscopy  Slabber M 78 2291 Microscopy Slabber M
78 2291 Microscopy  Slabber M 78 2291 Microscopy Slabber M
78 2291 Microscopy  Slabber M 78 2291 Microscopy Slabber M
78 2291 Microscopy  Slabber M 78 2291 Microscopy Slabber M
78 2291 Microscopy  Slabber M 78 2291 Microscopy Slabber M
78/2291 [Microscopy]. Slabber, M. Natuurkundige verlustigingen, behelzende microscopise waarneemingen van in- en uitlandse water- en land-dieren. Haarlem, J. Bosch, 1778, (12),166[=168]p., 18 handcol. (6x fold.) engr. plates, contemp. gilt hcalf w. red mor. letterpiece, 4to.

- Hinges weak; contemp. manuscript table of contents on 2nd blank; owner's stamp on title. Binding partly worn.

= Nissen, ZBI 3861; Landwehr, Dutch Books w. Col. Plates 187. Finely illustrated microscopical work on small water-animals. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE LX.

€ (250-350)