- Unnumb. copy. Wrappers sl. dustsoiled and partly sunned.
= Very rare separate edition of the play published in De Gemeenschap, year 4, p.281-291. From the library of Albert Kuyle, with his ticket ("A.K.") on verso frontwr. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXIX.
- Title and verso colophon w. some offsetting from wrapper. = Monod 5958. Rare.
= Heuvelpers no.4 and 3.
- Unnumb. copy. Backstrip sl. yellowed. A fine copy.
= Heuvelpers no.4. Printed by S.H. DE ROOS in his specially designed "Meidoorn" type.
- Endpapers some sl. foxing. Otherwise a fine copy, from the library of J.F. VAN ROYEN.
= Heuvelpers no. 2; printed with use of De Roos' Meidoorn-type.
- Endpapers and edges trifle foxed. Without the separate booklet by the editor T. Goedewaagen. A very fine copy, from the library of J.F. VAN ROYEN
= The first publication of S.H. de Roos' Heuvelpers, printed in his specially designed Meidoorn-type.This is copy VIII.
WITH: Aankondiging van de Heuvelpers te Hilversum Juni MCMXXVII. Ibid., idem, 1927, fold. brochure, (4)p., printed in black and red, w. loosely inserted "Order form" (1 leaf, recto only).
- Horizontal middle-fold. = Announcement and order form for the above publication.
= I.a. Afgezant (1995, printed in 42 numb. and SIGNED copies (14), orig. giltlettered cl.); K. OUWENS, Tucht is regelmaat, ontucht de regel (1995, 2x, orig. green mor., slipcase/ orig. wr.); W. VAN BROEKHOVEN, Illustrated Classic (1996); J. VAN OUDSHOORN, Openbaar vertoon (1998); E. DU PERRON, Laatste poging tot verzoening (1999, printed in 80 numb. copies (30), orig. hcl.); J.W. VON GOETHE, Ginkgo Biloba (2000); P. VAN DEN HOVEN, Recept tegen verslappende aandacht (2004); G. KOMRIJ, Leegte na de ramp (2008); L.H. WIENER, Erfgoed (2011); IDEM, Vaders en zonen (2012, printed in 86 numb. and SIGNED copies (20), orig. giltlettered hvellum, slipcase); IDEM, Moët & Chandon (2014); M. WIGMAN, Harde modder (2014, orig. cl.); P.F. THOMÉSE, Brief aan de Koning (2015); R. VAN GOGH, Nachtgewaad (2016) and L.H. WIENER, Tequila (2018).
= This collective consists of the Brederodepers, Illusions Perdues, the Korenmaat and the Lojen Deur Pers. I.a. N. MAAS, Eenvoudige vormen (2012, ills. by M. Visser); L.H. WIENER, De zoete inval (2013, SIGNED by the author); NESCIO, In Haarlem hevige regen, daarna in Amsterdam weer zon (2014, ills. by N. de Cock); B. BÜCH and E. VAN MUISWINKEL, In Haarlem laten ze alles staan (2014, orig. boards w. dustwr.); F. VOGELS, Formigine (2014, ills. by N. de Cock); N. MAAS, Varkens (2014, ills. by M. Visser); A. VAN DIS, Jammer (2014, SIGNED by the author); J. PIGNON, De wereld (2015, ills. by S. Kaart, SIGNED by the author and the artist); L.H. WIENER, Jonge kauw te Katwoude (2015, ills. by N. de Cock, SIGNED by the author); W.J. OTTEN, Verslag van een expeditie (2015, ills. by T. Schuringa, SIGNED by the author and the artist).
= One of 300 numb. copies bound in gilt hvellum.
- Box some soiling/ foxing.
- Traces of bookplate on first blank, w. some offsetting on htitle. Backstrip sl. cracked; sm. dam. spot at foot.
= Monod 4084; Carteret IV, p.147: "Une des meilleures illustrations de l'artiste. Édition cotée, surtout en grand papier." SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXIX.
- Fine copy.
AND 1 other by M. KYBER.
= I.a. De Sint-Pietersberg bij Maastricht (1977, double-p. col. ill.); H. VAN EIJK, Klein onbehagen (1978, col. ill.); H. VAN DE WAARSENBURG, Zeeschappen (1979, col. frontisp. by F. Lemmens, printed in 130 numb. copies (50), orig. gilt cl., bound by A. Lipsch); P. DE VOS, De lof van de Bottermarkt (1980, woodcut ills. by R. Graham, printed in 125 numb. copies (25) on Fabriano Perusia, extra suite of woodcuts in orig. chemise loosely inserted, orig. gilt cl., bound by A. Lipsch); T. DE VRIES, De boom-mens (1981, SIGNED woodengr. portret of the author by J. Battermann, SIGNED by the author and artist, orig. gilt cl., bound by the Phoenix Bindery); H.H. TER BALKT, De lampionplanten (1981, printed in 110 numb. copies (85), orig. gilt cl., bound by the Phoenix Bindery); IDEM a.o., Gheselscap goet (2x, 1982, printed in 75 numb. copies (1x on Sheepstor (36)), orig. cl./ wr.); A. NIN, The Woman on the Dunes (1982, etching by R. Cox, orig. gilt hvellum, bound by the Phoenix Bindery, loosely inserted invitation); C. NOOTEBOOM, Fantasma (1983, SIGNED col. etching by S. Bakker, SIGNED by the author, orig. cl., bound by the Phoenix Bindery); W. KUSTERS and H. TENTIJE, Het is zo vandaag als altijd. Voor Gerrit Kouwenaar (1983, SIGNED etching by D. Kouwenaar, ills. by i.a. Constant and Lucebert, orig. gilt cl., bound by the Phoenix Bindery); M. VASALIS, Phoenix (1983, ill. by S. Woldhek); W. KUSTERS, Bern (2x, 1983, one copy w. dedication to P.J. Buijnsters); D.A. TAMMINGA, Bûnte risping (1984, orig. cl.); R. VAN DER HOEK, Wespland (1997, printed in 65 numb. copies (15), SIGNED by the author, orig. marbled boards, bound by E. Schots); H. VAN EIJK (ed.), Shakespeare and Civilité (2015, printed in 66 numb. copies (60), orig. gilt cl.); W. COWPER, On my Dog (2020, printed in 36 copies, orig. wr.) and R. VAN LAERE (introd.), Gruwelijke moord te Maeseyck (2020, printed in 62 numb. copies (numb. "X"), orig. wr.).
WITH ±65 small publications/ correspondence, i.a. by the Aardvark Press, De Blauwe Scheen and numerous prospectuses.
- Newspaper clipping mounted on verso final blank. Binding rubbed and chafed.
= Sarkowski 186D. Contains woodcuts after the ed. Venice, 1492.
- Wrapper sl. worn w. 2 sm. tears in edges
= Although the editions on crêped paper are more widely known, the plain paper editions are the first editions. 5: Kachi-Kachi Yama; 6: The Mouse's Wedding; 7: The Old Man and the Devils; 8: Urashima; 13: The Silly Jelly-Fish; 14: The Princes Fire-Flash & Fire-Fade; 15: My Lord Bag-o'-Rice and 16: The Wooden Bowl.
Idem. Aino Fairy Tales by B.H. Chamberlain. No. 1 and 2. Ibid., idem (for Ticknor & Co., Boston), 1887, 2 (of 3) vols., unif. w. the preceding (1 cord broken).
= 1: The Hunter in Fairy-Land and 2: The Birds' Party.
- Wrappers sl. creased/ dogeared. = Japanese Fairy Tale Series. No. 11.
Chamberlain, B.H. The Serpent with Eight Heads. Ibid., idem, 1886, (28)p. (incl. wrappers), unif. w. the preceding.
- Lower margin sl. stained/ dam. (first 3 lvs. w. loss of ill./ text). = Japanese Fairy Tale Series. No. 9.