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Page 659 of 1858 Results 13161 - 13180 of 37146
78 1072 Surinam  Lans W H 78 1072 Surinam Lans W H
78/1072 [Surinam]. Lans, W.H. Bijdrage tot de kennis der kolonie Suriname. The Hague, Nederlandsche Maatschappij van Schoone Kunsten, 1842, (4),IV,195,(10)p., woodengr. vignettes/ ills., orig. wr.

- Sl. foxed; bookblock split.

= Van Doorne/ Van Kempen 3878; Bibl. van Suriname p.161; Tiele 642; Sabin 38932; Kolfin p.70: "In 1842 gaf Lans in een klein en decoratief bedoelde illustratie in zijn boek Bijdrage (...) het zware werk tussen het manshoge suikerriet weer als een middagje schoffelen in de moestuin."

€ (100-150) 100
78 1073 Surinam  Lans W H 78 1073 Surinam Lans W H
78 1073 Surinam  Lans W H 78 1073 Surinam Lans W H
78/1073 [Surinam]. Lans, W.H. Schets van een ontwerp tot behoud van Suriname. Emancipatie door centralisatie. The Hague, P.H. Noordendorp, 1847, IV,157,(2)p., 6 fold. handcol. lithogr. plates, orig. wr.

- Backstrip sl. worn; final quire (w. plates) loosening.

= Van Doorne/ Van Kempen 3879; Doorninck 1184; Sabin 38934; Rouffaer/ Muller p.629. Rare.

€ (150-250) 500
78 1074 Surinam  Netscher P M 78 1074 Surinam Netscher P M
78/1074 [Surinam]. Netscher, P.M. Geschiedenis van de koloniën Essequebo, Demerary en Berbice, van de vestiging der Nederlanders aldaar tot op onzen tijd. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1888, XVIII,422,(1)p., 2 fold. col. lithogr. maps, orig. wr., sm. 4to.

- Maps trifle foxed. Backstrip sl. chipped. = Van Doorne/ Van Kempen 4726; Koeman p.162.

€ (100-150) 100
78 1075 Surinam  Smissen J van der 78 1075 Surinam Smissen J van der
78/1075 [Surinam]. Smissen, J. van der. Over de emancipatie der slaven. Haarlem, Erven F. Bohn, 1861, (4),127,(5)p., orig. wr.

- Spine plasticized; ticket and library stamp on frontwr.

= Van Doorne/ Van Kempen 6254; Bibl. van Suriname p.171.

Gon Netscher, A.D. van der. Bijdrage ter aanwijzing van de grondslagen, waarop de afschaffing der slavernij in Suriname dient gevestigd te worden. The Hague, A. Belinfante, 1858, 47p., later hcl. w. orig. frontwr. laid down.

- First and final lvs. sl. browned. = Van Doorne/ Van Kempen 2282; Bibl. van Suriname p.168.

AND 3 others similar, i.a. A.D. VAN DER GON NETSCHER, De opheffing van de slavernij en de toekomst van Nederlandsch West-Indië (The Hague, 1862, orig. wr. (printed on frontwr.: "van den schrijver")) and IDEM, Beschouwing van het op 25 October 1858 voorgesteld ontwerp van wet ter afschaffing der slavernij in Suriname (...) (ibid., 1859, later hcl. w. orig. frontwr. laid down).

€ (200-300) 375
78 1076 Surinam  Winkels W E H 78 1076 Surinam Winkels W E H
78/1076 [Surinam]. Winkels, W.E.H. Slavernij en Emancipatie. Eene beschouwing van den toestand der slavernij in Suriname. Utr., J.G. Andriessen, 1856, (4),116p., later hcl.

= Not in Van Doorne/ Van Kempen; Bibl. van Suriname p.172.

AND 4 others, i.a. P. FRAISSINET, Eenige West-Indische kolonieën na de emancipatie (Amst., 1879, orig. wr.) and N. BEETS, De bevrijding der slaven. Redevoering (...) (Haarlem, 1856, later hcl. w. orig. frontwr. laid down).

€ (100-150) 120
78 1077 Surinam  Zimmermann G P H 78 1077 Surinam Zimmermann G P H
78/1077 [Surinam]. Zimmermann, G.P.H. Beschrijving van de rivier "De Suriname". N.pl., n.publ., n.d. (1877), 342-351p., fold. handcol. lithogr. map w. 3 inset maps/ plans, modern wr. w. paper title-piece, 4to.

= Offprint from Tijdschrift van het Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, vol. 2, 1st series.

AND 1 other: G. VERSCHUUR, Suriname (n.pl., (1894), woodengr. ills., modern wr., 4to).

€ (50-70) 50
78 1078 Switzerland  Dändliker K 78 1078 Switzerland Dändliker K
78/1078 [Switzerland]. Dändliker, K. Geschichte der Stadt und des Kantons Zürich. Zürich, Schulthess & Co., 1908-1912, 3 vols., VIII,405,(11 advert.); (4),503,(7 advert.); V,(3),597,(2 advert.)p., 3 fold. lithogr. maps, contemp. unif. gilt hcalf, large 8vo.
€ (100-150)
78 1079 Thailand  Hesse Wartegg E von 78 1079 Thailand Hesse Wartegg E von
78/1079 [Thailand]. Hesse-Wartegg, E. von. Siam, das Reich des weissen Elefanten. Leipsic, J.J. Weber, 1899, VI,(2),252,(2)p., col. lithogr. frontisp., fold. col. map, 18 (fold.) plates, (full-p.) ills., contemp. gilt calf.

- Contemp. owner's entry on htitle. Binding rubbed; spine-ends dam.

Loohuis, J.G. a.o. Siam Muang-Thai. The Hague, Ten Hagen/ Genootschap "Nederland-Siam", 1931, 112p., num. (photogr.) ills., orig. wr., sm. 4to.

- Wr. sl. yellowed/ soiled; frontwr. lower corners w. sm. tear/ creases.

€ (80-100)
78/1080 Tibet  A Collection of Historical Archives of Tibet Ed Sgrolkar a m o 78/1080 Tibet A Collection of Historical Archives of Tibet Ed Sgrolkar a m o
78/1080 [Tibet]. A Collection of Historical Archives of Tibet. Ed. Sgrolkar a.m.o. N.pl., Cultural Relics Publ., 1995, (20),107,(6) lvs., richly illustrated, orig. cl. w. dustwr., slipcase, large 4to (very fine). Govinda, L.G. Tibet in Pictures. 1. Expedition to Central Tibet. 2. Expedition to Western Tibet. Berkeley, Dharma publ., 1979, 2 vols. w. continuous pagination, XX,210,(2)p., num. ills., orig. unif. cl. w. dustwr., 4to.

- Dustwr. price-clipped and top of both spines sl. frayed.

€ (70-90)
78 1081 Tibet  Hedin S 78 1081 Tibet Hedin S
78/1081 [Tibet]. Hedin, S. Southern Tibet. Discoveries in Former Times compared with my own Researches in 1906 - 1908. Delhi, B.R. Publishing Corporation, 1991, 9 text vols., 3 atlas vols., num. (fold.) (col.) maps, orig. unif. giltlettered cl., 4to/ obl. folio (3x).

- Hinges of atlas vols. repaired w. tape. Corners, joints and spine-ends partly rubbed/ sl. worn; covers occas. scratched; one atlas vol. backstrip partly repaired w. tape.

= Rare complete set.

€ (300-500) 300
78 1082 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc  Baedeker K 78 1082 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc Baedeker K
78/1082 [Tourist guides, souvenir booklets etc.]. Baedeker, K. Ägypten und der Sûdân. Leipsic, K. Baedeker, 1928, 8th ed., CCII,480p., 21 (fold.) col./ tinted maps, 85 (fold.) (col.) plans, 56 ills., orig. giltlettered cl., sm. 8vo.

- Bookplate on first free endpaper. Corners trifle worn. A fine copy. = Hinrichsen D493.

Wallis Budge, E.A. The Nile. Notes for Travellers in Egypt. London/ Cairo, Th. Cook & Sons, 1897, 5th ed., XV,(1),442p., double-p. map, plans and ills., orig. gilt cl.

- Bookplate on upper pastedown. Foot of spine stained.

AND 1 other.

€ (80-100) 110
78 1083 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc  Baedeker K 78 1083 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc Baedeker K
78/1083 [Tourist guides, souvenir booklets etc.]. Baedeker, K. Konstantinopel, Balkanstaaten, Kleinasien Archipel, Cypern. Leipsic, K. Baedeker, 1914, 2nd ed., LXXIV,484p., 18 (fold.) (col.) maps, 65 (fold.) (col.) plans, orig. giltlettered cl., sm. 8vo.

- Fine copy. = Hinrichsen D498.

AND 1 other Baedeker guide: Greece (1909, 4th ed. Hinrichsen E237).

€ (80-100) 90
78 1084 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc  Chamberlain B H and Mason W B 78 1084 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc Chamberlain B H and Mason W B
78/1084 [Tourist guides, souvenir booklets etc.]. Chamberlain, B.H. and Mason, W.B. A handbook for travellers in Japan. Including the whole Empire from Saghalien to Formosa. London, J. Murray, 1907, 8th rev. ed., IX,(1),570,(2),32,(2) (advert.)p., 29 (of 30) (fold.) (col.) maps and plans (1x loosely inserted in rear pocket), ills., orig. gilt cl.

- Lacks one map; a few maps w. (sm.) closed tears. Spine-ends sl. worn.

An Official Guide to Eastern Asia (...). Vol. II. South-Western Japan/ Vol. III. North-Eastern Japan. Tokyo, The Imperial Japanese Government Railways, 1914, 2 vols., (2),CCIV,370; (2),X,488p., 15/ 25 fold. col. maps/ plans, num. plates and ills., orig. unif. giltlettered limp cl.

- A few maps loose. Vol. III binding (water)stained.

€ (100-150) 100
78 1085 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc  Diez F M 78 1085 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc Diez F M
78 1085 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc  Diez F M 78 1085 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc Diez F M
78/1085 [Tourist guides, souvenir booklets etc.]. Diez, F.M. Deutschland, Königr. der Niederlande, Königr. Belgien und die Schweiz nebst Theilen der angränzenden Länder (...). Zum Reisegebrauch eingerichtet (...), mit Bezeichnung der Strassen, Eilwagen- und Extrapost-Routen (...) so wie der Eisenbahnen. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1845, steelengr. map w. handcol. borders by F. VON STÜLPNAGEL and J.C. BÄR after A. STIELER, mounted in 32 sections on linen, 86x106 cm., inset map "Die Hauptverbindungsstrassen durch Europa", folded in orig. giltlettered ("Deutschland vom F.M. Diez") cl. covers.

- Covers partly sunned; lettering partly faded.

€ (50-70)
78 1086 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc  Le frère Liévin de Hamme = E Colleman 78 1086 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc Le frère Liévin de Hamme = E Colleman
78/1086 [Tourist guides, souvenir booklets etc.]. Le frère Liévin de Hamme (= E. Colleman). Guide-indicateur des sanctuaires et lieux historiques de la Terre-Sainte. Louvain, P. et J. Lefever, 1876, 2nd ed., 3 vols., XXVII,(1),391; XX,200; XXV,(1),254p., 2 fold. lithogr. plans (1x partly handcol.), contemp. unif. gilt hmor.

- Vol. 2 bookblock shaken and a few quires loosening; some foxing. Bindings sl. worn; vol. 2 lower joint splitting.

AND 2 others, i.a. a Baedeker guide: Palestine et Syrie (4th ed., 1912. Hinrichsen F220).

€ (80-100) 80
78 1087 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc  Meyer J 78 1087 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc Meyer J
78/1087 [Tourist guides, souvenir booklets etc.]. Meyer, J. Türkei, Rumänien, Serbien, Bulgarien. Leipsic/ Vienna, Bibliographisches Institut, 1908, 7th ed., XII,392,52 (advert.)p., 36 (fold.) (col.) maps and plans, fold. col. panorama of Constantinople, 3 plates, orig. giltlettered blindst. cl.

- General plan of Constantinople loose. Spine and frontcover sl. rubbed.

Baedeker, K. Konstantinopel, Balkanstaaten, Kleinasien Archipel, Cypern. Leipsic, K. Baedeker, 1914, 2nd ed., LXXIV,484p., 18 (fold.) (col.) maps, 65 (fold.) (col.) plans, orig. giltlettered cl., sm. 8vo.

- Bookplate on first free endpaper. Upper corner frontcover bumped. = Hinrichsen D498.

€ (80-100) 80
78/1088 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc  Pocket Guide to Japan 78/1088 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc Pocket Guide to Japan
78/1088 [Tourist guides, souvenir booklets etc.]. Pocket Guide to Japan. Tokyo, Japanese Government Railways, 1929, (4),VII,(3),84p., fold. col. map, col. plates, fold. train table, orig. col. lithogr. wr.

- Spine-ends sl. worn.

The Album of Toshogu at Nikko. N.pl., n.publ., n.d. (±1930), 38p., col. plan, num. photogr. ills., orig. col. lithogr. cordbound wr., obl. 4to. - AND 6 miscell. others on/ from Japan (5x) and Hawaii.

€ (50-70) 130
78 1089 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc  Schwarz B 78 1089 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc Schwarz B
78/1089 [Tourist guides, souvenir booklets etc.]. Schwarz, B. Praktischer Führer nach und in Constantinopel (nebst Ausflügen nach Kleinasien). Berlin, A. Goldschmidt, 1895, IV,161,(3)p., 2 lithogr. maps (1 fold.), orig. giltlettered limp cl., sm. 8vo.

- Lacks the plan. Binding w. some whitish stains (backcover worse).

= Griebens Reisebücher Band 59.

€ (30-50)
78 1090 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc  Terry T P 78 1090 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc Terry T P
78/1090 [Tourist guides, souvenir booklets etc.]. Terry, T.P. Terry's guide to the Japanese empire including Korea and Formosa. With chapters on Manchuria, the Trans-Siberian railway, and the chief ocean routes to Japan. Boston/ New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1920, CCLXXXIII,(1),799,(77 advert.)p., 29 (fold.) col. maps/ plans, orig. giltlettered cl., sm. 8vo. Chamberlain, B.H. and Mason, W.B. A handbook for travellers in Japan (including Formosa). London, J. Murray, 1913, 9th rev. ed., IX,(1),555,(3),38 (advert.)p., 30 (fold.) (col.) maps and plans (1x loosely inserted in rear pocket), ills., orig. gilt cl.

- Owner's entry on title-p.

AND 1 other: INDIA, BURMA AND CEYLON. Information for Travellers and Residents (London, 1912, fold. col. maps, orig. cl. Not collated).

€ (100-150) 130
78 1091 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc  Tour Japonaise 78 1091 Tourist guides souvenir booklets etc Tour Japonaise
78/1091 [Tourist guides, souvenir booklets etc.]. Tour Japonaise. Brussels, Nels, n.d., 10 photogr. views, orig. wr., obl. 8vo.

- One photograph loose.

AND 5 other similar souvenir booklets showing i.a. the Albulapass, Munich, Hildesheim and Louvain.

€ (30-50) 30