- All (near) fine.
- Plates generally yellowed; one plate censored w. pen and ink.
= Cf. O'Reilly/ Reitman 3773; Hill 485: "Domény de Rienzi gathered a particularly important collection of material on Malaysia, Micronesia, Polynesia and Melanesia. The work contains a thorough discussion of the area's peoples, natural history, geography, and commerce, as well as the history of its exploration. This edition also contains handsome illustrations and maps."
- Endpapers foxed. Binding trifle warped.
= First edition of the first complete English translation of Tasman's journal, produced in only 200 copies. Hocken 1; Ferguson 16722; Cox II, p.311f; Davidson p.30 ("Indispensable to the study of early Australian discovery"). A sumptuous publication. SEE ILLUSTATION PLATE XXI.
- Vol.1 lacks first free endpaper. Backstrips and corners trifle rubbed.
AND 1 other: LA PALESTINE, LA SYRIE, LA BASSE ÉGYPTE, NAPELS, ATHÈNES (...) (Paris, 1922, 3rd ed., num. (fold.) maps/ plans/ views/ ills., orig. gilt green calf. Binding sl. worn).
- Sl. foxed. Binding trifle scratched.
- Owner's entry (of Herbert Bagge) on first free endpaper. Fine copy.
= Abbey, Travel 602; Hill 568: "Captain Erskine sailed from Russell, New Zealand, in 1849, and reached Niue or Savage Island. He visited Manua, Tutuila, and Upolu of the Samoan Islands. Next, Lifuka, and Tongatabu were visited, the Fiji, the New Hebrides, New Caledonia, and Port Jackson." SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXII.
- Map w. brown stains and traces of sellotape; upper hinge strengthened w. scotch tape; lower hinge weak; sl. yellowed. Binding worn; top of spine dam.
= Cat. (...) des Russica 521.
- Sl. foxed; title-p. vol. 9 lacks upper corner w. loss of part of title (restored w. paper and lost text reproduced in pen and ink).
- Lacks first free endpaper; sm. dampstain in outer blank margin of frontisp. Spine worn. Otherwise fine.
= With AUTOGRAPH SIGNED DEDICATION to "Den Heere Verlooren [signed] 1 Maart 1824" on htitle. Cat. (...) des Russica 405.
- Libr. stamp on title-p.; modern ticket on first free endpaper; occas. trifle foxed. Otherwise fine.
= Rare and influential abolitionist work (published in the same year as the first edition).
- All vols. w. owner's entry on first free endpaper; occas. sl. foxed/ dogeared. Bindings w. minor imperfections; vol. 1 lower joint splitting. Otherwise a fine set.
= Collected works of Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), Dutch scholar of Oriental cultures and languages and advisor on indigenous and Islamic affairs to the colonial government of the Netherlands East Indies.
AND 4 others similar, incl. a duplicate of vol. 6 of the above and P.S. VAN KONINGSVELD, Snouck Hurgronje en de Islam. Acht artikelen over leven en werk van een oriëntalist uit het koloniale tijdperk (Leyden, (1987), 6 (photogr.) ills., orig. wr., sm. 4to).
- (Vaguely) waterst.
AND 3 miniature booklets from the series "Im Lande der Buren" (n.pl., Aechter Franck-Caffee, ±1900, orig. col. lithogr. ills. and wr., 10x7 cm.).
- Binding sl. soiled and worn; corners showing. = Mendelssohn I, p.65.
Hamilton, J.A. The Siege of Mafeking. Ibid., Methuen & Co., 1900, X,(2),332,45(publ. cat.)p., 2 plans (1x fold.), 15 plates, orig. giltlettered cl.
= Mendelssohn I, p.679.
AND 4 others, i.a. P. ALLEN, Mafeking Day. A snap-shot from real life (ibid., n.d., orig. pict. cl.) and F.D. BAILLIE, Mafeking. A Diary of the Siege (Westminster, 1900, ills., orig. (heavily stained) cl.).
- Lacks frontisp., 1 map, 2 plates, the portrait and 1 text leaf (photocopy of frontisp., portrait and 1 plate bound in); title-p. remargined; maps occas. w. restorations and sl. yellowed/ soiled.
= Landwehr, VOC 583; Tiele 606; Mendelssohn I, p.843-844. Dealing with all aspects of life at the Cape, incl. flora and fauna, geography etc. Also contains an accurate description of the life and culture of the indigenous Hottentots. The first edition was published in Nuremberg, 1719.
- Sl. foxed. Covers sl. rubbed along extremities; frontcover partly discoloured. Otherwise fine.
= A translation of Photographs of South Africa (...), publ. London, 1894. Cf. Mendelssohn II, p.345f (erroneously listing 199 plates). Fine photographs, "Zijnde de grootste en Volmaakste Verzameling Photografiën van Zuid-Afrika, welke ooit Gepubliceerd is. (...) Wordt verkocht bij inteekening" (title-p.).
- Owner's stamps/ annot. on upper pastedown. Ticket on foot of spine.
Koch-Grünberg, T. Zwei Jahre bei den Indianern Nordwest-Brasiliens. Stuttg., Strecker and Schröder, 1923, XII,416p., woodengr. fold. map, 12 photogr. plates, ills., orig. pict. hcl.
- Bookplate/ ticket on upper pastedown; inner hinge broken. Boardedges sl. worn; backstrip w. sm. tears.
AND 7 others similar, i.a. D. PIERSON, Negroes in Brazil (Chicago, 1944, plates, orig. cl.); E. NORDENSKIÖLD, Indianer und Weisse in Nordostbolivien (ibid., 1922, photogr. plates, ills., orig. pict. cl. Bookplate on first free endpaper; owner's annots. throughout) and H.A. FRANCK, Working North from Patagonia (London, 1921, col. lithogr. map., photogr. plates, modern cl.).
= Curious print depicting world history as a group of streams, probably used in the classroom for history lessons. Brink, Nederlandse geschiedkundige schoolwandkaarten p.13: "Het idee lijkt afkomstig van de Duitse hoogleraar in de geschiedenis F. Strass, die in 1803 'Der Strom der Zeiten oder Bildliche Darstellung der Weltgeschichte' publiceerde. Hij had daarmee veel succes en bracht een reeks van vertalingen en navolgingen op gang."
With the accompanying vol.: F. STRASS, Explication du Tableau de l'histoire Universelle (The Hague, F.J. Weygand, 1819, without binding).
= Text in Dutch, English and Spanish.
- One plate w. 2 closed tears in image; a few plates trifle frayed. Otherwise contents fine.
= Van Doorne/ Van Kempen 2487; Rouffaer/ Muller I, p.632; not in Sabin. Rare account by an ex-civil servant who did not agree with the Dutch policy concerning Surinam, which got him into trouble with the authorities. The plates were used earlier for P.J. Benoit, Voyage à Surinam (1839)/ Scènes de la vie Américaine, description de la Guyane Hollandaise (1858). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXIII.