= C. DONKER, Bolgewas voor de dakpannen van de boerderij Godlinze (RKD CD-04-4); A. RAMÓN, Tuin in Veere (I); J. VEGTER, Achter de Haag; R. HOMAN, Wintertuin; H. VAN HAGEN, De tuinen van Bomarzo (I); S. KOENE, De tuinen van paleis Schönbrunn; J. VAN SPRONSEN, "De beeldentuin; R. VAN ROSSEM, Vlucht uit de Paradijstuin; T. DE LAAT, Grondje and M.R. BAEYENS, Something to talk about (B) (19,7x19,7 cm.).
- Both very vaguely inkstained. = Rare early work.
AND 1 similar small etching by the same (unsigned).
= Titled "Lucifer" in other hand(?) on verso.
- A few brownish stains.
= With 4 impressions of the print on modern paper.
Maaten, J.J. van der (1820-1879). (Profile portrait of a woman). Copperplate, 4,7x4,7 cm., monogrammed in the plate(almost illegible).
= With 3 impressions of the print on modern paper.
AND 7 others: 6 copperplates and 1 cliché, partly w. the prints from the plate, incl. 4 sm. copperplates for address cards and 1 large anonymous copperplate (View of 4 mills) (20,4x31,5 cm.).
- Sl. yellowed/ foxed; vague brown stain in lower left corner.