Page 46 of 1848 Results 901 - 920 of 36952
75 901 Elbert J 75 901 Elbert J
75/ 901 Elbert, J. Die Sunda-Expedition des Vereins für Geographie und Statistik zu Frankfurt am Main. Festschrift zur Feier des 75jährigen Bestehens des Vereins. Frankf. a.M., H. Minjon, 1911/ 1912, 2 vols., XXV,(3),274; XV,(1),373p., 7 (fold.) maps, 61 plates (1 col.), 297 textills., 1 fold. table, contemp. unif. gilt hmor., 4to.

- Occas. trifle foxed. Covers sl. chafed. = Rouffaer/ Muller suppl. I, p.4.

€ (250-350)
75 902 Haan F de 75 902 Haan F de
75/ 902 Haan, F. de. Oud Batavia. Gedenkboek uitgegeven door het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen naar aanleiding van het driehonderdjarig bestaan der stad in 1919. Batavia, G. Kolff & Co., 1922-1923, 1st ed., 2 text vols. and 1 plate vol., (10),559; (6),408; (10),XXXVIp., 2 loosely inserted fold. maps in rear-pockets, num. plates, orig. unif. giltlettered cl. w. mounted plate on frontcover, 8vo/ 4to (plate vol.).

- Bindings trifle worn (plate vol. sl. worse), otherwise fine.

€ (50-70) 70
75 903 Junghuhn F 75 903 Junghuhn F
75 903 Junghuhn F 75 903 Junghuhn F
75/ 903 Junghuhn, F. Java, zijne gedaante, zijn plantentooi en inwendige bouw. Amst./ The Hague, P.N. van Kampen/ C.W. Mieling, 1850-1854, 2nd impr. ed., 4 vols., 4 (tinted) lithogr. titles (with title "Java, deszelfs gedaante, bekleeding en inwendige structuur"), 1 fold. col. lithogr. plate, 59 (fold.) lithogr. plates/ maps/ tables, contemp. unif. gilt and blindst. cl.

- Lacks as usual the atlas vol.; some plates w. the usual (sm.) tears on folds or inner margin (due to brittle quality of the paper); one large fold. plate split on fold; one fold. plate lacks outer folding part; occas. sl. yellowed. All vols. covers foxed.

= Contains at least 6 more (uncoloured) plates than usual (contrary to most copies known Widaï fig. 1 and Diëng fig. 3 are both present). Bastin/ Brommer p.28-29 and note 465; Rouffaer/ Muller p.11; cf. Landwehr, Col. plates 325 (listing 51 uncol. plates/ maps). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXV.

€ (200-300) 475
75 904 Krom N J 75 904 Krom N J
75/ 904 Krom, N.J. Inleiding tot de Hindoe-Javaansche kunst. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1923, 2nd rev. ed., 3 vols.: 2 text vols.: XV,(1),490; VIII,491p.; 1 plate vol.: 112 (fold.) plates/ maps, orig. unif. gilt buckram, 4to.

- A fine set. = Rouffaer/ Muller Suppl. II, p.280 (1st ed.).

Mayer, L.Th. Een blik in het Javaansche volksleven. Leyden, E.J. Brill, n.d. (1897), 2 vols., IX,(1),310,(1); VI,311-568,(1)p., 38 (of 40) (col. lithogr.) plates, num. ills., orig. unif. gilt cl., large 8vo.

- Lacks 2 plates. Otherwise fine. = Rouffaer/ Muller p.16.

€ (70-90) 70
75/905 Maps and plans  Afstandskaarten van Java 75/905 Maps and plans Afstandskaarten van Java
75/905 Maps and plans  Afstandskaarten van Java 75/905 Maps and plans Afstandskaarten van Java
75/ 905 [Maps and plans]. Afstandskaarten van "Java". Semarang, Kon. Vereeniging Java Motor Club, n.d. (±1930), 5 col. fold. lithogr. maps and 1 fold. table, orig. wr.

- Stamp on frontcover; wr. sl. frayed. Internally fine.

ADDED: Sluiter, W. Per stoomvaart-mij. Nederland naar Java., n.d., 25 leaves (incl. title-p.) w. (col.) ills. W. SLUITER, orig. dec. cl., obl. folio.

- Bookblock loose; free endpapers sl. browned. Spine-ends sl. rubbed.

AND 3 others, i.a. BALI AND JAVA. JAVA-CHINA-JAPAN-LIJN (, 1938, ills., orig. pict. wr.)

€ (70-90) 70
75/906 Maps and plans  Automobielkaart van Java en Madoera 75/906 Maps and plans Automobielkaart van Java en Madoera
75/906 Maps and plans  Automobielkaart van Java en Madoera 75/906 Maps and plans Automobielkaart van Java en Madoera
75/ 906 [Maps and plans]. Automobielkaart van Java en Madoera. Semarang, Kon. Vereeniging Java Motor Club, n.d. (±1920), 3 fold. col. lithogr. maps, each ±50x80 cm., mounted in sections on linen, in orig. cl. slipcase.

- Sl. yellowed; linen occas. sl. foxed/ stained, only visible on verso. Slipcase stained.

Verbeterbladen J.C.M. autokaart Java en Madoera. Ibid., idem, 1932, (16)p., col. ills., orig. wr.

- Sl. yellowed. Wrapper discol. and w. stamp on frontcover.

ADDED: Sluiter, W. Per stoomvaart-mij. Nederland naar Java., n.d., 25 leaves (incl. title-p.) w. (col.) ills. by W. SLUITER, orig. dec. cl., obl. folio (fine).

€ (80-100) 80
75/907 Maps and plans  Carte de l'Ile de Java et des autres possessions orientales du Royaume des Pays Bas 75/907 Maps and plans Carte de l'Ile de Java et des autres possessions orientales du Royaume des Pays Bas
75/ 907 [Maps and plans]. "Carte de l'Ile de Java et des autres possessions orientales du Royaume des Pays-Bas". Engr. map w. handcol. borders by F. CALLENS after C.S.W. HOGENDORP, inset map of Java, 29,5x42 cm.,, n.publ., ±1850.

- Trifle yellowed. = Rare map.

"Carte des Environs de Batavia". Engr. plan w. inset panoramic view by G. DHEULLAND, 20,3x27,8 cm.,, n.publ., 1750. - AND 4 others.

"Gouvernement de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales tant en ces Provinces que dans les Indes". Eleven sm. scenes (of i.a. the various VOC chambers in the Netherlands) w. extensive engr. text, 33x43 cm., from H. CHATELAIN, Atlas Historique (...) (Amst., ±1720).

- Trifle yellowed and foxed.

WITH: the title-p. only of C. NIEUWPOORT, Twaalfde reys na Oost-Indien (...) (Leyden, P. vander Aa, n.d. (±1705)), w. large title-engr. by J. GOEREE.

€ (100-150) 100
75 908 Maps and plans  Kaart van Ned Oost Indië tevens automobielkaart 75 908 Maps and plans Kaart van Ned Oost Indië tevens automobielkaart
75/ 908 [Maps and plans]. "Kaart van Ned. Oost-Indië (tevens automobielkaart)". Fold. col. lithogr. map by P.J. BETTINK and J. KRIJGSMAN, 79x107 cm., Bussum, J.A. Sleeswijk, ±1920.

- Partly strengthened on folds and w. a few sm. holes.

€ (40-60)
75/909 Maps and plans  Nieuwe kaart van de Sundasche eilanden als Borneo Sumatra en Groot Java &c 75/909 Maps and plans Nieuwe kaart van de Sundasche eilanden als Borneo Sumatra en Groot Java &c
75/909 Maps and plans  Nieuwe kaart van de Sundasche eilanden als Borneo Sumatra en Groot Java &c 75/909 Maps and plans Nieuwe kaart van de Sundasche eilanden als Borneo Sumatra en Groot Java &c
75/ 909 [Maps and plans]. "Nieuwe kaart van de Sundasche eilanden als Borneo, Sumatra en Groot Java &c." Contemp. handcol. engr. map, 28x36,4 cm., Amst., I. Tirion, ±1750 (partly yellowed). - AND 1 similar map, publ. by the same: "Nieuwe Kaart van Asia, na de alderlaatste Ontdekking int licht gebracht."
€ (120-150) 120
75/910 Maps and plans  Tweede geologische kaart van Blitong 75/910 Maps and plans Tweede geologische kaart van Blitong
75/910 Maps and plans  Tweede geologische kaart van Blitong 75/910 Maps and plans Tweede geologische kaart van Blitong
75/ 910 [Maps and plans]. "Tweede geologische kaart van Blitong". Col. lithogr. map on 4 sheets, each 74,5x43,6 cm., The Hague, H.L. Smits, 1887.

- Sl. foxed; some (sm.) tears in blank margins, not affecting image.

€ (100-150) 100
75 911 Maritime history  Bruijn J R a o 75 911 Maritime history Bruijn J R a o
75/ 911 [Maritime history]. Bruijn, J.R. a.o. Dutch-Asiatic shipping in the 17th and 18th centuries. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1979-1987, 3 vols., XI,(1),356; XI,(1),765,(3); XI,(1),626,(2)p., num. tables, orig. unif. gilt cl., 4to.

= Rijks Geschiedkundige Publicatieën. Grote reeks, vol. 165-167.

AND 8 others, i.a. R. RABEN and H. SPIJKERMAN (ed.), De archieven van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (1602-1795) (The Hague, 1992, ills., orig. cl. w. dustwr., 4to) and J.J.A. WIJN, 'Tot in de verste uithoeken...' (Amst., 1998, ills., orig. giltlettered cl. w. dustwr., 4to).

€ (80-100) 110
75 912 Music  Kunst J 75 912 Music Kunst J
75/ 912 [Music]. Kunst, J. Music in Java. Its History, its Theory an its Technique. Ed. E.L. Heins. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1973, 3rd enl. ed., 2 vols., XVIII,411,(1); (6),413-660p., frontisp. portrait, fold. map and 2 fold. tables loose as issued, ills., music examples, contemp. unif. cl. w. dustwr., 4to. Idem. Hindu-Javanese Musical Instruments. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1968, 2nd rev. and enl. ed., XII,156p., 121 plates, orig. giltlettered cl. Idem. A Study on Papuan Music written at the hand of phonograms recorded by the ethnographer of the expedition, Mr. C.C.F.M. Le Roux, and of other data. Weltevreden, G. Kolff & Co., 1931, 1st ed., (6),97p., 1 fold. map, 14 plates, orig. giltlettered cl. - AND 16 others similar, all but one sm. publications and all but one by the same, i.a. Music in New Guinea (The Hague, 1967, fold. map, plates/ ills., orig. wr.).
€ (80-100) 80
75 913 Music  Kunst J 75 913 Music Kunst J
75/ 913 [Music]. Kunst, J. De toonkunst van Java. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1934, 2 vols., XIV,330; (6),331-519p., 1 loosely inserted fold. col. map and 4 fold. tables loosely inserted, 140 ills., musical scores, orig. unif. wr., 4to.

- Lower hinge vol. 2 (nearly) broken.

= From the estate of composer Henk Badings, both vols. w. his owner's entry on first blank.

ADDED 2 others: J. GONDA, Letterkunde van de Indische archipel (Amst. etc., 1947, col. plates, orig. cl. w. dustwr.) and U. ARYA, Ritual songs and folksongs of the Hindus of Surinam (Leyden, 1968, orig. wr., thesis).

€ (50-70)
75/914 Nederland Lombok Pref Jhr De Casembroot 75/914 Nederland Lombok Pref Jhr De Casembroot
75/ 914 Nederland-Lombok. Pref. Jhr. De Casembroot. Rott., F.B. van Ditmar, 1894, (24)p., num. ills. and facs., loose as issued in orig. col. lithogr. wr., folio.

- Sl. frayed and fingersoiled. Tear in backwrapper.

€ (30-50) 30
75 915 Papua New Guinea  Jouwe N  1923 2017 75 915 Papua New Guinea Jouwe N 1923 2017
75 915 Papua New Guinea  Jouwe N  1923 2017 75 915 Papua New Guinea Jouwe N 1923 2017
75/ 915 [Papua New Guinea]. Jouwe, N. (1923-2017). Archive, mostly dated around 1950-1963, comprising several hundreds of pieces of correspondence (mostly typescript and a few manuscript), (signed) formal and informal letters, reports, resolutions, offprints. newspaper clippings etc., mostly English and Indonesian.

= Small archive of Nicolaas Jouwe (1923-2017), leader (in exile) of the Papuans of New Guinea. After Indonesia gained control over New Guinea, Jouwe moved to Delft from where he continued his struggled for an independant West Papua. Mostly concentrated on the efforts of Jouwe to find support from various foreign authorities and groups for the independance of West Papua New Guinea. But also personal letters by friends and family still In Papua New Guinea. And correspondence with Dutch authorities on college funds for his son. Also a small design by him for the coat of arms of Papua New Guinea.

€ (300-500) 1400
75/916 Photographs  Album containing 22 gelatin silver prints 75/916 Photographs Album containing 22 gelatin silver prints
75/916 Photographs  Album containing 22 gelatin silver prints 75/916 Photographs Album containing 22 gelatin silver prints
75/ 916 [Photographs]. Album containing 22 gelatin silver prints, early 20th cent., 5,5x8,5/ 8,5x5,5 cm., mounted in contemp. board album, obl. 8vo.

- Album sl. rubbed along extremities, otherwise fine.

= Private album containing i.a. portraits, seascapes, landscapes and streetviews, each with typescript caption stating i.a. "Herinnering uit myn Militietijd", "Een bron, waar gewasschen en gebaad wordt" and "Een Vlerkschuit (Grisee)".

ADDED: Jubileumboek HBS-Soerabaia 1875-1975. (Surabaya), n.publ., n.d. (±1976), (6),230p., num. Plates w. (photogr.) ills., orig. dec. wr., large 4to.

€ (80-100)
75/917 Photographs  Album containing 130 gelatine silver prints 75/917 Photographs Album containing 130 gelatine silver prints
75/917 Photographs  Album containing 130 gelatine silver prints 75/917 Photographs Album containing 130 gelatine silver prints
75/917 Photographs  Album containing 130 gelatine silver prints 75/917 Photographs Album containing 130 gelatine silver prints
75/ 917 [Photographs]. Album containing 130 gelatine silver prints, late 1940's/ early 1950s, various smaller sizes, contemp. cordbound rexine, obl. folio.

- A few lvs. and photographs loose. Corners of album sl. bumped and rubbed

= Private album of a member of the First Dutch Infantry, showing images of Indonesia during the "politionele acties" and some private photographs, i.a. a wedding.

€ (100-150)
75 918 Photographs  Anonymous late 19th cent  75 918 Photographs Anonymous late 19th cent
75/ 918 [Photographs]. Anonymous (late 19th cent.). A sultan and a Dutch official, surrounded by the sultan's servants. Albumen print, 18,8x23,4 cm., mounted on paper, ±1880.

- Some sm. ink specks in upper part. = SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXVI.

€ (100-150) 950
75 919 Photographs  Woodbury & Page 75 919 Photographs Woodbury & Page
75 919 Photographs  Woodbury & Page 75 919 Photographs Woodbury & Page
75/ 919 [Photographs]. Woodbury & Page. Lot of 9 cabinet photographs, ±1880-1900, all showing members of one Western family of an (unidentified) assistant-resident of Java, 6x w. printed (1x giltlettered) caption "Woodbury & Page Batavia" below and "Woodbury & Page Photographers Batavia Java" on verso, 2x w. "Busenbender & Co. voorheen Woodbury & Page Batavia" caption and "Photographie Busenbender & Co. voorheen Woodbury & Page Batavia" on verso and 1x w. caption cut off (last few letters of Busenbender(?) caption visible in lower margin), verso blank.

= Showing the assistant-resident (2x; the portrait w. the cut-off caption showing him wearing the decoration medal of Commandeur (Ridder der 3e klasse) in de Orde van de WItte Olifant), 1x showing his wife, 1x the couple w. two young children, 2x the wife w. three children at diff. ages and 3 photographs portraying resp. 1, 2 and 3 children. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XXIV.

€ (100-150) 200
75 920 Photographs  Lot of 15 photographs of members of the family of a former assistant resident of Java 75 920 Photographs Lot of 15 photographs of members of the family of a former assistant resident of Java
75/ 920 [Photographs]. Lot of 15 photographs of members of the family of a (former) assistant-resident of Java, ±1900-1920, various sizes, all but one mounted on board (i.a. cartes-de-visite and cabinet photographs), partly w. printed captions below (and 3x on verso) identifying the photographers.

- The unmounted photograph badly dam.

= I.a. photographs by Woodbury & Page (Batavia), Busenbender & Co. voorheen Woodbury & Page (Batavia), Atelier Schotel (Arnhem; 5x, incl. 1 duplicate) and K. Koelemay (Bolsward).

€ (50-70) 50