1875 - 3189     OLD and RARE BOOKS

Page 35 of 66 Results 681 - 700 of 1315
76 2555 Erotica  Crébillon C P J de 76 2555 Erotica Crébillon C P J de
76/2555 [Erotica]. (Crébillon, C.-P.J. de). La nuit et le moment, ou les matines de Cythère, dialogue. London ("et se trouve à Amsterdam"), n.publ., 1770, new ed., 239p., 6 engr. plates, contemp. calf, 12mo.

- Bookplate on upper pastedown. Rebacked; frontcover darkened/ sl. eroded at upper edge.

= Cf. Cohen/ De Ricci p.266f. Rare edition.

€ (100-150) 150
76 2556 Erotica  Fournel  J F  76 2556 Erotica Fournel J F
76/2556 [Erotica]. Fournel, (J.-F.). Traité de la Séduction, considérée dans l'Ordre Judiciaire. Paris, Demonville, 1781, XVI,462,(2)p., contemp. gilt calf w. mor. letterpiece.

- Portion of upper blank margin cut from title-p. Backstrip sl. dam. at foot; upper joint splitting; covers rubbed along extremities.

= Gay/ Lemonnyer III, p.1237 ("Ouvrage curieux par les faits qui s'y trouvent rapportés").

€ (100-150)
76 2557 Erotica  Godofredus P  = P Godefroy 76 2557 Erotica Godofredus P = P Godefroy
76/2557 [Erotica]. Godofredus, P. (= P. Godefroy). De Amoribus, Libri tres. Leyden, J. Maire, 1648, (12),408p., woodcut printer's mark, contemp. overlapping vellum, 12mo.

- Sm. owner's entry on title-p. Otherwise fine.

= Cf. Gay/ Lemonnyer I, p.902. Treatise dealing with all forms of love. Contains i.a. chapters on marriage, prostitution, unnatural love, incest and fornication.

€ (200-300)
76 2558 Erotica  Louvet de Couvray J B 76 2558 Erotica Louvet de Couvray J B
76 2558 Erotica  Louvet de Couvray J B 76 2558 Erotica Louvet de Couvray J B
76/2558 [Erotica]. Louvet de Couvray, J.B. Liebesabenteuer des Chevalier von Faublas. German transl. by J. Grammont. Stuttg., F. Henne, 1848, 4 vols., 4 engr. frontisp. by A. GNAUTH, contemp. unif. gilt mor., sm. 8vo.

- Two bookplates and sm. owner's stamp on upper endpaper, i.a. of Ulco Proost, the sm. owner's stamp repeated on all title-pages. Spine-ends trifle rubbed. Good/ fine set.

= The rare first complete German edition. Hayn/ Gotendorff p.286f: "Sehr seltene Ausgabe, deren grösster Teil bei Erschienen durch die Censur vernichtet wurde."

€ (120-150)
76 2559 Erotica  Thomas d'Embry A  76 2559 Erotica Thomas d'Embry A
76/2559 [Erotica]. (Thomas d'Embry, A.). Description de l'Isle des Hermaphrodites, Nouvellement Découverte, Contenant les Moeurs, les Coutumes & les Ordonnances des Habitans de cette Isle, comme aussi le Discours de Jacophile à Limne, avec quelques autres pièces curieuses. Pour servir de Supplément au Journal de Henri III. Cologne, heirs H. Demen (= Brussels, Foppens), 1724, (6),352p., engr. frontisp., later giltlettered hcalf (w. giltlettered "Boutigny" at foot of spine), sm. 8vo.

- One leaf sl. waterstained in blank margin; frontisp. sl. foxed; hinges of first 3 textleaves splitting at both ends.

= Gay/ Lemonnyer I, p.866 and II, p.464. Barbier I, p.893: "En ce temps, on fit un livre hardi, mais bien fait, où, sous le nom de l'Isle imaginaire des Hermaphrodites, on blâmait tous les vices de la cour. Le roi se le fit lire, et ayant su le nom de l'auteur, qui s'appelait Arthus Thomas, il ne voulut qu'on l'inquiétât, faisant conscience, disait-il, de fâcher un homme pour avoir dit la vérité."

€ (120-150) 140
76 2560 Erotica  Tissot  S A T  76 2560 Erotica Tissot S A T
76/2560 [Erotica]. Tissot, (S.A.T.). L'Onanisme. Dissertation sur les maladies produites par la masturbation. Paris, Didot le Jeune, 1765, 3rd enl. ed., XXII,(2),264p., contemp. boards, 12mo.

- Upper hinge sl. weak; traces of removed bookplate on upper pastedown. Binding sl. worn along extremities; corners bumped.

= Hirsch/ H. V, p.687-688; cf. Bibliotheca Walleriana 9613 and Gay/ Lemonnyer III, p.565. Popular work (re)printed twenty-four times between 1760 and 1836. The first edition was published in Lausanne in 1760.

€ (60-80) 60
76 2561 Erotica  Venette N  76 2561 Erotica Venette N
76/2561 [Erotica]. (Venette, N.). Venus Minsieke Gasthuis, waer in beschreven worden de bedryven der Liefde in den Staet des Houwelijks, met de natuurlijke eygenschappen der Mannen en Vrouwen, hare siekten, oirsaken en genesingen. Amst., (T. ten Toorn, 1688), 3rd ed., (24),654,(24)p., engr. title, contemp. calf.

- Lacks leaf Rr2; publisher and date erased from title-p.; engr. title frayed and cut sl. short; sl. stained and fingersoiled. Binding worn/ dam.

= BMN I, p.221; cf. Wellcome V, p.340.

€ (70-90) 110
76 2562 Erotica Homosexuality  Noordkerk H 76 2562 Erotica Homosexuality Noordkerk H
76/2562 [Erotica. Homosexuality]. Noordkerk, H. De Matrimoniis, Ob turpe Facinus, quod Peccatum Sodomiticum vocant, Jure Solvendis, Dissertatio. Amst., Janssonius-Waesbergen, 1733, (12),116p., contemp. hvellum w. paper ticket.

- Yellowed/ sl. browned. Vellum sl. soiled.

= On divorce on the grounds of homosexual actions by the husband. Dekkers 4.

€ (100-150) 160
76 2563 Faerno G 76 2563 Faerno G
76/2563 Faerno, G. Cent fables En Latin et en François, choisies des Anciens Auteurs, Mises en vers Latins par (-), Et traduites par Mr. Perrault. London, C. Marsch, T. Payne a.o., 1744, (26),45,(1); 238,(2)p., engr. frontisp. and 100 textengrs. to the fables, Latin and French text, modern giltlettered hmor., 4to.

- First 5 leaves wormholed in lower blank margin (partly closed and affecting address on first title-p.); a few leaves trifle foxed; one page sl. soiled in upper margin. Contents otherwise fine.

= Bodemann 199.3; cf. Cohen/ De R. 371 (on the ed. 1743) and Cat. Fabula docet no.36 and 63: "Die lateinische Fabeln des Gabriele Faerno hatten durch wiederholte Druckauflagen bei Plantin (Antwerpen) ein breites Publikum ausserhalb Italien gefunden (...) 1699 übergab Charles Perrault (...) seine französische Faerno-Bearbeitung dem Druck".

AND the first vol. only of J. DE LA FONTAINE, Fables choisies (Lausanne, 1772, 1 vol. (of 4), engr. ills., contemp. vellum. Occas. sl. dam.).

€ (250-350)
76 2564 Fashion and costume  Maaskamp E 76 2564 Fashion and costume Maaskamp E
76 2564 Fashion and costume  Maaskamp E 76 2564 Fashion and costume Maaskamp E
76 2564 Fashion and costume  Maaskamp E 76 2564 Fashion and costume Maaskamp E
76 2564 Fashion and costume  Maaskamp E 76 2564 Fashion and costume Maaskamp E
76 2564 Fashion and costume  Maaskamp E 76 2564 Fashion and costume Maaskamp E
76/2564 [Fashion and costume]. Maaskamp, E. Afbeeldingen van de kleeding, zeden en gewoonten in de Bataafsche Republiek met den aanvang der negentiende eeuw./ Tableaux de l'habillement, des moeurs et des coutumes dans la République Batave, au commencement du dix-neuvième siècle. Amst., the author, 1803(-1807), (stipple-)engr. frontisp. and 20 costume-prints by L. PORTMAN after J. KUIJPER w. letterpress captions, handcol. by J. PIENEMAN, accomp. textleaves in Dutch and French, contemp. giltlettered hcalf, 4to.

- Occas. trifle fingersoiled/ duststained in blank margins; bookplate on upper pastedown. Top of spine professionally restored; sl. dam. at foot of spine; covers sl. rubbed.

= Lipperheide Gb 39; Landwehr 358: "The first Dutch book of costumes dealing with various provinces (...); it gives also interesting details on the morals and customs of these regions. (...) carefully hand-coloured plates (...)". Beautiful large paper copy with 3 additional anonymous mounted drawings (2x col.) and 2 mounted engravings on blank leaves at the end of the work. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CI.

€ (400-600) 400
76 2565 Firefighting  Heyden J van der and Heyden de Jonge J van der 76 2565 Firefighting Heyden J van der and Heyden de Jonge J van der
76 2565 Firefighting  Heyden J van der and Heyden de Jonge J van der 76 2565 Firefighting Heyden J van der and Heyden de Jonge J van der
76 2565 Firefighting  Heyden J van der and Heyden de Jonge J van der 76 2565 Firefighting Heyden J van der and Heyden de Jonge J van der
76/2565 [Firefighting]. Heyden, J. van der and Heyden de Jonge, J. van der. Beschryving der nieuwlyks uitgevonden en geoctrojeerde Slang-Brand-Spuiten, en haare wyze van Brand-Blussen, Tegenwoordig binnen Amsterdam in gebruik zijnde. Behelzende wijders aanwijzing van 't verschil tusschen haare uitwerking, en die van d'oude Blus-gereedschappen en Spuiten; zó uit de werktuigen zelve, als uit de blussing der Branden, welke binnen deeze Stad, onder 't gebruik van beyde, zijn voorgevallen. Nevens Beschrijving der Brand-ordres van de Stad Amsterdam. Amst., heirs J. van der Heiden, 1735, 2nd ed, (8),50,(2)p., 7 double-p. and 18 full-p. plates, contemp. hroan, folio.

- First few quires (up to p.14) (sl.) mouldy/ dampstained in outer (and occas. upper) blank margin, not affecting the image/ text. Covers rubbed/ sl. worn; backstrip sl. worn.

= The second edition of this fire fighting classic, introducing the hose-pump and showing in its plates several large fires in Amsterdam between 1652-1684 and the tools and implements used before and after the introduction of the author's new hose-pump. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CII.

€ (1.500-2.500)
76 2566 Fleetwood J 76 2566 Fleetwood J
76/2566 Fleetwood, J. The life of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Being an accurate and general history of all the events and disourses of our Blessed Redeemer, as recorded by the four evangelists, from his birth to his ascension into heaven. Leipsic and Dresden/ London, A.H. Payne/ J. Hagger, n.d. (±1855), (4),696,VIp., lithogr. title-p., 32 handcol. lithogr. plates, contemp. marbled calf w. richly gilt and panelled covers, gilt-tooled spine w. red mor. letterpiece, a.e.g., folio.

- (Sl.) foxed/ browned, plates mostly fine; some initials handcol. (by a child?) in col. pencil. Joints split(ting) at spine-end(s); corners sl. bumped.

€ (50-70) 50
76 2567 Flexier de Reval F 76 2567 Flexier de Reval F
76 2567 Flexier de Reval F 76 2567 Flexier de Reval F
76/2567 Flexier de Reval, F. Catéchisme philosophique, ou recueil d'observations propres à défendre la religion Chrétienne contre ses ennemis. Ouvrage utile à ceux qui cherchent à se garantir de la contagion de l'Incrédulité moderne, & sur-tout aux Ecclésiastiques chargés de conserver le précieux dépôt de la Foi. Liège/ Brussels, J.B. Bassompierre/ J. van den Berghen, 1773, XII,597,(1)p. engr. heraldic headpiece, woodcut head- and tailpieces and initials, contemp. calf w. richly gilt spine and red mor. letterpiece.

- Sm. contemp. owner's entry on title-p. Upper joint split(ting); backstrip dam.

€ (60-80)
76 2568 Floods  Esveldt S van 76 2568 Floods Esveldt S van
76 2568 Floods  Esveldt S van 76 2568 Floods Esveldt S van
76/2568 [Floods]. (Esveldt, S. van). Een Historiesch Verhaal van veele en nooit meer gehoorde Voorvallen, die geschiet zyn in verscheide Harde Winters, Inzonderheid van den Jaare 1709. en 1740. Een Historiesche Beschryving van Duure Tyden, Hongersnoden, en Watervloeden. Aanhangsel (...) En wel voornamentlyk een Naaukeurig Vervolg der Watervloeden (...). Amst., A. van Huyssteen and S. van Esveldt, n.d./ 1741, 3 parts in 1 vol., (6),100,(2); 319,(1); 134,(1)p., 3 fold. engr. plates, contemp. hmor., sm. 8vo.

- Occas. sl. foxed; one plate w. sm. tear on fold, sl. affecting the image. Binding sl. rubbed.

€ (150-250) 150
76/2569 Floods  Historisch verhaal der overstroomingen in de Nederlanden Byzonder op den 14 en 15 van Slagtmaand des Jaars 1775 voorgevallen  Benevens eene naauwkeurige Lyst der Schepen wel76/2569 Floods Historisch verhaal der overstroomingen in de Nederlanden Byzonder op den 14 en 15 van Slagtmaand des Jaars 1775 voorgevallen Benevens eene naauwkeurige Lyst der Schepen wel
76/2569 Floods  Historisch verhaal der overstroomingen in de Nederlanden Byzonder op den 14 en 15 van Slagtmaand des Jaars 1775 voorgevallen  Benevens eene naauwkeurige Lyst der Schepen wel76/2569 Floods Historisch verhaal der overstroomingen in de Nederlanden Byzonder op den 14 en 15 van Slagtmaand des Jaars 1775 voorgevallen Benevens eene naauwkeurige Lyst der Schepen wel
76/2569 [Floods]. Historisch verhaal der overstroomingen in de Nederlanden, Byzonder op den 14 en 15 van Slagtmaand des Jaars 1775. voorgevallen. (...) Benevens eene naauwkeurige Lyst der Schepen, welke in den Storm van den 13. 14. 15 en 16 November des gemelden Jaars verongelukt, gestrand of zwaar beschadigd zyn. Amst., G. Warnars and P. den Hengst, 1776, (2),241p., 1 large engr. fold. map ("Zeevangk, met den aangrensende koogen"), modern hleather w. gilt letterpiece.

- Lacks htitle; endpapers stained and w. some offsetting; bound rather tightly.

Hering, J.H. Bespiegeling over Neêrlandsch waternood, tusschen den 14den en 15den Nov.: MDCCLXXV. Eerste deel. Ibid., Wed. Loveringh en Allart, 1776, 1 vol. (of 2), (4),XVI,38,245,(3)p., engr. title. w. circular ill., armorial vignette, 7 fold. views by N. VAN DE MEER after H. KOBELL, contemp. hroan.

- Without the 2nd vol.; partly waterst.; occas. sl. mouldy.

€ (150-250) 150
76 2570 Focquenbroch W G van 76 2570 Focquenbroch W G van
76/2570 Focquenbroch, W.G. van. Alle de werken. Ed. A. Bógaert. Amst., Wed. G. de Groot, 1696, 1st ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., (16),518,(2); 466,(4)p., engr. frontisp., contemp. vellum, sm. 8vo.

- Lacks (as often) the 2nd frontisp.; first frontisp. loosening.

= Scheepers I, 104; Scheurleer, Liedboeken, p. 174; cf. Waller 548 (both vol. dated 1709).

Hoogvliet, A. Abraham de aartsvader. Rott., J.D. Beman, 1757, 6th ed., (58),288p., engr. frontisp., contemp. hroan.

- Occas. (sl.) foxed.

AND 1 other in 2 vols.: J. ANTONIDES VAN DER GOES, Gedichten. Ed. W. Bilderdijk (Leyden, 1827, 2 vols., orig. unif. publ. boards, sm. 8vo).

€ (70-90) 70
76 2571 Focquenbroch W G van 76 2571 Focquenbroch W G van
76/2571 Focquenbroch, W.G. van. Alle de werken. Ed. A. Bógaert. Amst., S. van Esveldt, 1766, 3rd ed., 2 vols., (16),518,(2); 458,(4)p., engr. frontisp., contemp. unif. giltlettered hcalf.

- Occas. sl. waterstained in top margin.

AND 3 others, incl. 1 odd vol. in an attractive binding and i.a. L. RIETBERG, Lenteloveren (Zwolle, 1810, engr title-p., orig. publ. boards. Spine-ends trifle rubbed) and L. ROTGANS, Poëzy, van verscheide mengelstoffen (Leeuw., 1715, engr. frontisp., title-vignette, num. vignettes, contemp. giltlettered hcalf. Sl. foxed; backstrip and covers dam.).

€ (70-90) 70
76 2572 Focquenbroch W G van 76 2572 Focquenbroch W G van
76/2572 Focquenbroch, W.G. van. Alle de werken. Ed. A. Bógaert. Amst., S. van Esveldt, 1766, 3rd ed., 2 vols., (16),518,(2); 458,(4)p., engr. frontisp., contemp. unif. hcalf.

- Sl. yellowed and fingersoiled; vol. 1 waterst. at the end. Bindings sl. rubbed.

(Wilde, C. de). Opwekkelyke nasporingen by het genot van 't eenzaam buitenleven; Lettervruchten van stille dagen en andere stichtelyke gedichten, door Vrouwe C.P. Ibid., C. Meyer, 1754, (4),177,(3)p., engr. title-vignette by J. SCHIJNVOET, 20th cent. hleather.

- Fingersoiled and partly vaguely waterst.; old owner's entry on title-p.

€ (50-70)
76 2573 Fokke Simonsz  A 76 2573 Fokke Simonsz A
76 2573 Fokke Simonsz  A 76 2573 Fokke Simonsz A
76/2573 Fokke Simonsz., A. De Vaderlandsche Historie in themata, vervattende, in eene zaakelyke en tevens beknopte orde, alle de voornaamste gebeurtenissen, die, van den aanbeginne des lands, tot heden toe, in ons vaderland zijn voorgevallen. Amst., A. Fokke Simonsz., 1790, 3rd ed., (6),136,(2)p., engr. frontisp., 3 contemp. handcol. engr. maps and 21 (fold.) plates, sl. later gilt hcalf w. red mor. letterpiece.

- Sl. frayed; some plates w. sm. tears in blank margins along fold; bookplate on upper pastedown; partly sl. waterstained in inner and lower (blank) margin. Rebound w. new endpapers.

= Cf. Huiskamp F29; BNK 1091.

€ (70-90) 80
76 2574 Formey J H S 76 2574 Formey J H S
76/2574 (Formey, J.-H.-S.) La belle Wolfienne. The Hague, C. le Vier/ Widow of C. le Vier/ J. Neaulme, 1741-1753, 6 parts in 2 vols., contemp. hroan w. orange mor. letterpiece.

- Both vols. occas. sl foxed. Joints split(ting).

= An attempt to explain the philosophy of Christian Wolff to women. Barbier 397. Cf. Cioranescu 29162.

€ (50-70) 120