1875 - 3189     OLD and RARE BOOKS

Page 33 of 66 Results 641 - 660 of 1315
76/2515 Devotionalia  Livre d'heures d'après les Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Royale 76/2515 Devotionalia Livre d'heures d'après les Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Royale
76/2515 Devotionalia  Livre d'heures d'après les Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Royale 76/2515 Devotionalia Livre d'heures d'après les Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Royale
76/2515 Devotionalia  Livre d'heures d'après les Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Royale 76/2515 Devotionalia Livre d'heures d'après les Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Royale
76/2515 Devotionalia  Livre d'heures d'après les Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Royale 76/2515 Devotionalia Livre d'heures d'après les Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Royale
76/2515 [Devotionalia]. Livre d'heures d'après les Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Royale. Paris, Engelmann et Graf, 1846-1849, CLXXXIIIp., entirely lithographed, 16 full-p. miniatures in colours and gold, all other pages with richly decorated borders in medieval manuscript style in gold and colours, text in black, blue and red, w. capitals in colours on gold ground, bound by GRUEL-ENGELMANN in brown mor. w. embossed animals on both covers and monogram in all four corners, all edges gilt and richly gauffered w. floral pattern, gilt dec. endpapers signed "Gruel-Engelmann", silver scallop formed clasps and catches, in private slipcase, sm. 8vo.

- Occas. a few very vague foxed spots; one catch professionally strengthened. Otherwise very fine.

€ (200-300) 200
76 2516 Dictionaries  Forcellini A 76 2516 Dictionaries Forcellini A
76/2516 [Dictionaries]. Forcellini, A. Totius Latinitatis Lexicon. Ed. J. Facciolati. Padua, T. Bettinelli, 1805-1816, 4 parts in 2 vols. (each part w. short appendix), engr. portrait, contemp. unif. blindst. vellum, folio.

- Bindings trifle dustsoiled/ stained. A fine set.

€ (200-300)
76 2517 Dictionaries  Halma F 76 2517 Dictionaries Halma F
76 2517 Dictionaries  Halma F 76 2517 Dictionaries Halma F
76/2517 [Dictionaries]. Halma, F. Woordenboek der Nederduitsche & Fransche Taalen, uit het Gebruik, en uit de beste Schrijvers, met behulp van voornaame Taalkundigen opgesteld. Dictionnaire Flamand & François (...). The Hague/ Leyden, J. Thierry and C. Mensing/ P. van der Eyk and D. Vygh, 1781, 2 vols., 4th/ 6th rev. enl. ed., (6),821,(1); (6),896p., 2 diff. engr. frontisp. by G. QUINEAU / J. WANDELAAR, contemp. unif. calf, gilt spine w. green mor. letterpiece, 4to.

- Both vols. w. remnants of wax stamps on pastedowns; occas. sl. (water)stained; vol.2 one leaf portion torn off from outer blank margin; owner's annots. on final endpapers. Both vols. binding chafed/ dam.

= Zaunmüller p.285 (other eds.); Claes 1549/ 1550, note.

AND 2 others similar: C. SCHREVELIUS, Lexikon manuale Graeco-Latinum (Paris, 1779, contemp. calf, gilt spine w. green mor. letterpiece. Owner's entry on first blank; occas. (sl.) foxed/ stained. Binding worn) and J.P. JUNGST, Lexikon Latino-Belgicum (Zutphen, 1806, contemp. gilt hcalf. Owner's entry on first free endpaper. Covers worn; spine dam.).

€ (80-100)
76 2518 Dictionaries  Marin P 76 2518 Dictionaries Marin P
76/2518 [Dictionaries]. Marin, P. Groot Nederduitsch en Fransch woorden-boek, Vervattende de woorden en spreekwyzen van den laagen, den boertigen, den gemeenzaamen, en den verheven styl: spreuken en spreekwoorden (...)./ Grand dictionnaire, hollandois et françois, contenant les facons de parler basses, burlesques, familieres, & celles du stile soutenu, les sentences & les proverbes (...). Dordr. etc., J. van Braam etc., 1752, 3rd ed., (6),528,604p., contemp. boards w. gilt spine and vellum corners, large 4to.

- Library stamp on first free endpaper. Binding rubbed.

Idem. Dictionnaire françois et hollandois. Comprenant tous let mots de l'Usage avouez de L'Académie Françoise & autres Auteurs d'élite (...)./ Fransch en Nederduitsch woorden-boek, behelsende alle gebruikelyke woorden, door de Fransche Academie en andere Schryvers aangenomen (...). Amst./ Rott., J. van Eyl/ J.D. Beman en Zoon, 1762, 4th ed., (16),1208p., engr. title, bound similar w. the preceding, large 4to.

- Library stamp on first free endpaper. Binding rubbed; 1 corner lacks vellum. = Rare.

AND 1 other.

€ (70-90) 70
76 2519 Dictionaries  Meijer L 76 2519 Dictionaries Meijer L
76/2519 [Dictionaries]. Meijer, L. Woordenschat, Verdeelt in 1. Bastaardt-woorden. 2. Konst-woorden. 3. Verouderde Woorden. Amst., H. Boom and Wed. D. Boom, 1698, 7th rev. enl. ed., 3 parts in 1 vol. w. continuous pagination, (24),791p., engr. frontisp., contemp. vellum, 12mo.

- First blank w. 18th cent. owner's entry in pen and ink. = Claes 235.

€ (80-100) 90
76 2520 Dieu L de 76 2520 Dieu L de
76 2520 Dieu L de 76 2520 Dieu L de
76/2520 Dieu, L. de. Critica Sacra, sive animadversiones In loca quaedam difficiliora Veteris et novi testamenti . Amst., G. Bortius, 1683 new ed., (24),861,(37)p., woodcut printer's mark, engr. portrait of the author, contemp. blindst. vellum, folio.

- Owner's entry and bookplate on upper endpaper. Backcover stained. = Rare.

AND 3 works in 2 vols., i.a. J. GORDON, Opuscula tria. Chronologicum, Historicum, Geographicum/ P. PROST, Spicilegiu, theologicum de Jubileo (Cologne, 1636/ Lyon, 1625, 2 parts in 1 vol., fold. table, contemp. overlapping vellum, sm. 8vo. Annot. in pen and ink on verso of title-p. to second part (shining through on recto); bookplates on upper pastedown).

€ (100-150) 100
76 2521 Dordrecht  Balen Jz  M 76 2521 Dordrecht Balen Jz M
76/2521 [Dordrecht]. Balen Jz., M. Beschryvinge Der Stad Dordrecht, Vervatende Haar Begin, Opkomst, Toeneming, en verdere Stant: Opgezocht, in 't Licht gebracht, en Vertoond, met vele Voorname Voor-Rechten, Hand-Vesten, Keuren, en Oude-Herkomen. Dordr., S. onder de Linde, 1677, (20),1358[=1362],(24)p., woodcut printer's mark on title, etched frontisp., 1 fold. profile view and 5 fold. plan/ views/ plates by ROMEYN DE HOOGHE, 11 (fold.) portraits (1 also by ROMEYN DE HOOGHE), 1 fold. heraldic plate, num. (sl. later handcol.) (wood)engr. coats of arms, contemp. blindst. vellum, 4to.

- Handcolouring occas. sl. crude; one view w. closed tears. Upper joint splitting; ties lacking.

= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 17; Landwehr, Romeyn de Hooghe as Bookillustrator 45.

€ (200-300) 300
76 2522 Dordrecht  Lyste waar in vertoont worden de Naamen van de Ed Groot Achtb Heeren Regenten der Stadt Dordrecht Mitsgaders van verscheide andere Collegie en Beampten des Jaars 1790 76 2522 Dordrecht Lyste waar in vertoont worden de Naamen van de Ed Groot Achtb Heeren Regenten der Stadt Dordrecht Mitsgaders van verscheide andere Collegie en Beampten des Jaars 1790
76/2522 [Dordrecht]. Lyste, waar in vertoont worden de Naamen, van de Ed. Groot Achtb. Heeren Regenten der Stadt Dordrecht: Mitsgaders van verscheide andere Collegie en Beampten, des Jaars 1790. Dordr., P. van Braam, 1790, 74,(12)p., contemp. vellum wr., 12mo.

- Title-p. stained. Two large holes in frontcover.

= Contains the names of all city council members, the military, clergy, all notable professions etc. As well as information on the postal service, opening and closing of the city gates, transport time tables etc.

€ (30-50)
76/2523 Dordrecht  Resolutien Notulen en Gebesoigneerde van 't Collegie der Mannen van Veertigen binnen Dordrecht Sedert den Jare 1672 tot 1681 Incluys Mitsgaders Eenige Hand Vesten Privilegie76/2523 Dordrecht Resolutien Notulen en Gebesoigneerde van 't Collegie der Mannen van Veertigen binnen Dordrecht Sedert den Jare 1672 tot 1681 Incluys Mitsgaders Eenige Hand Vesten Privilegie
76/2523 Dordrecht  Resolutien Notulen en Gebesoigneerde van 't Collegie der Mannen van Veertigen binnen Dordrecht Sedert den Jare 1672 tot 1681 Incluys Mitsgaders Eenige Hand Vesten Privilegie76/2523 Dordrecht Resolutien Notulen en Gebesoigneerde van 't Collegie der Mannen van Veertigen binnen Dordrecht Sedert den Jare 1672 tot 1681 Incluys Mitsgaders Eenige Hand Vesten Privilegie
76/2523 [Dordrecht]. Resolutien, Notulen en Gebesoigneerde van 't Collegie der Mannen van Veertigen binnen Dordrecht. Sedert den Jare 1672, tot 1681 Incluys. Mitsgaders: Eenige Hand-Vesten, Privilegien, Verbaal en Octroyen rakende de Stad Dordrecht, en de voorsz Mannen van Veertigen. Dordr., S. Onder de Linde, 1682, (1),107[=108],(3)lvs., woodcut title-vignette; contemp. blindst. vellum, sm. 4to.

- First few lvs. sm. wormhole in blank part; foxed/ browned; tear in lower free endpaper. Binding sl. warped.

= Dekkers p.128.

€ (80-100) 100
76 2524 Drawings  Schmidt I 76 2524 Drawings Schmidt I
76/2524 [Drawings]. Schmidt, I. Redevoering van Jaques Kuyper over de teekenkunst, voorgedragen door J.L.J. le Fevre, bij de pegtige prijsuitdeeling der stads teeken-akademie van Amsterdam, Op den 5den van Wintermaand 1808. Amst., L. van Hulst, 1809, (4),52p., modern hcl.

- Bookplate on upper pastedown.

= A posthumously released treatise by Jaques Kuyper, introduced by his tutor Izaak Schmidt. Kuyper had been co-president of the "stads-teeken-akademie" since 1801, after winning multiple honorary awards at the academy in 1781, 1782 and 1783. His passing was considered a big loss for the arts, as he gave it a significant impuls with his "scheppend vernuft" and his thorough knowledge of history and ancient art. (A.J. van der Aa, Biographisch woordenboek der Nederlanden, 1862). Rare.

AND 3 others, all early museum catalogues.

€ (50-70) 80
76/2525 Drenthe  Tegenwoordige staat van het landschap Drenthe 76/2525 Drenthe Tegenwoordige staat van het landschap Drenthe
76/2525 Drenthe  Tegenwoordige staat van het landschap Drenthe 76/2525 Drenthe Tegenwoordige staat van het landschap Drenthe
76/2525 [Drenthe]. Tegenwoordige staat van het landschap Drenthe. Amst. etc., J. de Groot etc., 1795, 2nd ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., XVI,120; 436p., fold. engr. map and 2 fold. plates, 17 (fold.) letterpress tables, contemp. blindst. calf w. richly gilt spine in 6 compartments and red mor. letterpiece.

- Bookplate on upper pastedown; some offsetting from turn-ins. Remnants of paper ticket on both covers. Good copy.

€ (80-100) 80
76 2526 Drexel H 76 2526 Drexel H
76/2526 Drexel, H. Zodiacus christianus locupletatus seu signa XII. Divinae praedestinationis Totidem symbolis explicata. Cologne, C. ab Egmond, 1634, (6),152,(1)p., engr. title, 12 plates, contemp. vellum, 12mo.

- Contemp. owner's entry crossed out on first free endpaper; waterstained.

Idem. Aloe amari sed salubris succi ieiunium. Quod in aula ser.mi utriusque Bauariae ducis Maximiliani. Antw., Widow J. Cnobbaert, 1638, (16),336,(2)p., engr. title, contemp. overlapping vellum, 12mo.

- Hinges weak. Lacks ties.

AND 2 others by the same, i.a. Nicetas seu triumphata incontinentia (Cologne, 1631, engr. title, 2 plates, contemp. overlapping vellum, 12mo).

€ (100-150) 200
76 2527 Egmond  Hovaeus A  76 2527 Egmond Hovaeus A
76/2527 [Egmond]. (Hovaeus, A.). Historie van de Edele Wel-Geboorne heeren ende Graven van Egmond. Als oock, de Lijste ende korte Historie van de Abten van Egmond: Mitsgaders eenige Graf-schriften van de oude Hollandsche Graven, in 't Latijn beschreven door P.C. Bokkenbergh van Der Goude, nu eerst in 't Nederduytsch vertaald. Haarlem, P. Casteleyn, 1664, (2),43,(11)p., woodcut coat of arms on title-p., 2 historiated woodcut intials, later hvellum, sm. 4to.

- Title-p. doubled; bookplate on upper pastedown; free endpapers w. some brown offsetting.

= Haitsma Mulier/ Van der Lem 248a; Carasso-Kok 246; De Wind p.176-177: "Het is geen onbelangrijk werkje (...) Daar hij het grootste gedeelte van zijn leven in de Abdij te Egmond gesleten had, kon hem veel bekend geworden zijn, waarvan anderen onkundig waren." Rare.

€ (150-250) 150
76 2528 Egypt  Pignorius L 76 2528 Egypt Pignorius L
76 2528 Egypt  Pignorius L 76 2528 Egypt Pignorius L
76/2528 [Egypt]. Pignorius, L. Mensa Isiaca, qua Sacrorum apud Aegyptios ratio & simulacra subjectis tabulis aeneis exhibentur & explicantur. Accessit Ejusdem Authoris Magna Deum Matre discursus, & sigillorum, gemmarum, amuletorum aliquot figurae & eundarem ex Kirchero Chifletioque interpretatio. Nec non Jacobi Philippi Tomasini Manus Aenea, & de vita rebusque Pignorii dissertatio. Amst., A. Frisius, 1669, 2 parts in 1 vol., (10),96,(12); (8),96p., engr. title-p., 3 (2x different) title-vignettes, 11 fold. engr. plates, 35 (incl. 8 full-p.) ills., contemp. vellum w. gilt coat of arms of ARNHEM on both covers, 4to.

- Bookblock loose; fold. plates mostly creased on folds and/ or split on folds and 2x loose. Lacks part of ties; vellum sl. duststained.

= Hilmy II, p.119; Gay 1567 (quoting Brunet:) "Cette édition est la troisième et la meilleur de cet ouvrage curieux (...)." The first ed. was publ. in Venice, 1605 and the 2nd ed. in Frankfurt, 1608. The various editions have different titles. The 1669 edition is the only one to contain an illustration of the Mensa Isiaca (also known as the Bembine Table of Isis), which is a richly worked tablet that originally was thought to be of Egyptian origin, but is now regarded as a Roman object made in the style of Egyptian art. Spoelder 2. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE C.

€ (400-600)
76 2529 Egypt  Walsh Th 76 2529 Egypt Walsh Th
76 2529 Egypt  Walsh Th 76 2529 Egypt Walsh Th
76 2529 Egypt  Walsh Th 76 2529 Egypt Walsh Th
76 2529 Egypt  Walsh Th 76 2529 Egypt Walsh Th
76 2529 Egypt  Walsh Th 76 2529 Egypt Walsh Th
76/2529 [Egypt]. Walsh, Th. Journal of the late Campaign in Egypt: including Descriptions of that Country, and of Gibraltar, Minorca, Malta, Marmorice, and Macri. London, T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1803, 2nd ed., VIII,(20),275,(1); (4),163,(1)p., 42 (fold.) (handcol.) engr. maps/ plans/ plates (incl. 6 col. etching and aquatint plates by S.I. NEELE), modern calf w. raised bands, large 4to.

- Foxed almost throughout (partly also affecting the maps and plates, but most are in fine condition).

= Abbey, Travel 266; Atabey 1317; Blackmer 1767; Gay 2278; Ibrahim Hilmy, p 318; Prideaux p.223 and p.355 (refers to this work as "A more literary work on the same subject [Egypt] is Walsh's Journal (...) which is distinguished by that wide interest in topography, antiquities and social conditions, as well as purely military topics, characteristics of so many officers of the time."). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CI.

€ (400-600) 400
76 2530 Elzevier and annexes  Brantome P de Bourdeille Seigneur de 76 2530 Elzevier and annexes Brantome P de Bourdeille Seigneur de
76/2530 [Elzevier and annexes]. Brantome, P. de Bourdeille, Seigneur de. Mémoires. Contenans Les Vies des Dames Illustres de France de son temps. Leyden, J. Sambix le Jeune, 1665, (6),407p., bound by "de Samblanx & J. de Weckesser" in full blue mor. w. triple gilt filet line and double borders around covers, richly gilt panelled spine, gilt boardedges and inside dentelles, a.e.g., gilt stamp on upper inside dentelle, 12mo.

- Fine copy, w. the 19th cent. engr. heraldic bookplate of Georges Montandon bound opposite the title.

= Willems 2010. Gay/ Lemonnyer III, p.141: "(...) l'édition de Leyde, 1665, sous le nom de Sambix, a, de fait, été imprimée chez Foppens à Bruxelles; les beaux emplaires sount d'un prix élevé (...)".

€ (120-150) 150
76 2531 Elzevier and annexes  Corvinus à Belderen A J 76 2531 Elzevier and annexes Corvinus à Belderen A J
76/2531 [Elzevier and annexes]. Corvinus à Belderen, A.J. Ius canonicum, per Aphorismos strictim Explicatum. Amst., Ex Officina Elzeviriana (L. and D. Elzevier), 1663, (12),362,(20)p., engr. title, contemp. overlapping vellum, 12mo.

- New endpapers, otherwise fine.

= Willems 1301; Rahir 1341. Third and last Elzevier edition.

AND 1 other Elzevier edition: J. OWEN, Epigrammatum (Amst., L. Elzevier, 1647, engr. portrait and title, contemp. overlapping vellum w. blindst. spine, 24mo. Title-p. and portrait loosening (reattached)).

€ (70-90) 70
76 2532 Elzevier and annexes  Gyllius P 76 2532 Elzevier and annexes Gyllius P
76/2532 [Elzevier and annexes]. Gyllius, P. De Bosporo Thracio Lib.III. Leyden, Apud Elzevirios [B. and A. Elzevier], 1632, 379,(5)p., engr. title incl. a small view of the Bosporus, contemp. overlapping vellum, 16mo.

- Two sm. old owner's entries on title-p. = Willems 366; Rahir 347.

€ (80-100) 140
76 2533 Elzevier and annexes  Leo Africanus J 76 2533 Elzevier and annexes Leo Africanus J
76/2533 [Elzevier and annexes]. Leo Africanus, J. Africae Descriptio IX. lib. absoluta. Leyden, Apud Elzevir [B. and A. Elzevier], 1632, 2 parts in 1 vol. w. continuous pagination, 800,(16)p., engr. title, woodcut printer's mark (on title of the 2nd part), contemp. calf w. gilt spine, 12mo.

- TItle-p. cut short and partly doubled; partly vaguely waterstained; title foxed; owner's entry on verso first free endpaper and on recto of blank. Top of spine trifle chipped; top end of upper joint sl. wormholed; upper cover vague traces of nibbling.

= Willems 371; Rahir 355; Gay 258.

€ (200-300)
76/2534 Elzevier and annexes  Respublica Namurcencis Hannoniae et Lutsenburgensis 76/2534 Elzevier and annexes Respublica Namurcencis Hannoniae et Lutsenburgensis
76/2534 Elzevier and annexes  Respublica Namurcencis Hannoniae et Lutsenburgensis 76/2534 Elzevier and annexes Respublica Namurcencis Hannoniae et Lutsenburgensis
76/2534 [Elzevier and annexes]. Respublica Namurcencis, Hannoniae, et Lutsenburgensis. Amst., J. Janssonius, 1634, 522p., engr. title, contemp. vellum, 12mo.

- Sl. yellowed/ foxed; (vaguely) waterstained in upper margin (first few lvs. also in lower margin); engr. title sl. frayed in blank fore-edge margin.

= Rahir 1864. Comprises: J.B. GRAMAYE, Respublica Namurcensis; L. GUICCIARDINI, Republicae Hannoniae; J. BERTELLIUS, Respublica, Historia et Descriptio Ducatus Luxemburgensis.

Respublica Hollandiae et urbes. Leyden, J. Maire, 1630, (4),434,(14)p., engr. title, contemp. overlapping vellum, 12mo.

- Bound somewhat cramped.

= Rahir 1843. Comprises H. GROTIUS, De antiquitate respublicae batavicae (Ter Meulen/ Diermanse 694); P. MERULA, De Statu Reip. Batavicae Diatriba; DECRETUM ORDINUM Hollandiae et West-Frisiae, de Antiquo Iure Reipublicae Batavicae; L. GUICCIARDINI, Hollandiae Selandiaeque descriptio; P. SCRIVERIUS, Hollandiae Selandiaeque principes, Desumpti ex Batavia lllustrata.

€ (100-150) 120