1875 - 3189     OLD and RARE BOOKS

Page 39 of 66 Results 761 - 780 of 1315
76 2635 Grotius H 76 2635 Grotius H
76/2635 Grotius, H. Annales et historiae de rebus belgicis. Amst., J. Blaeu, 1657, (16),569,(23)p., woodcut printer's mark on title-p., engr. portrait by W. DELFF, contemp. calf, both covers with gilt coat of arms of 's Hertogenbosch, gilt spine w. (formerly red) mor. letterpiece, 4to.

- Eighteenth cent. owner's entries on first blank (i.a. C.W. van der Hoeven) and on title-p. (M.A. Asch Van Wyck); 20th cent. owner's stamp on (sl. foxed) upper pastedown. Letterpiece on spine almost entirely white and sl. dam.; backcover sl. rubbed; lacks ties.

= First edition. Ter Meulen/ Diermanse 742; Haitsma Mulier/ v.d. Lem 192. On the binding: Spoelder 3.

€ (150-250) 150
76 2636 Grotius H  Brandt C 76 2636 Grotius H Brandt C
76/2636 [Grotius, H.]. Brandt, C. Historie van het leven des heeren Huig de Groot, beschreven tot den aanvang van zyn Gezantschap wegens de Koninginne en Kroone van Zweden aan 't Hof van Vrankryk (...) en vervolgt tot zyn doodt door A. van Cattenburgh. Dordr./ Amst., J. van Braam and G. Onder de Linden, 1727, 3 parts in 2 vols., (22),456; (6),454; 74,(26)p., engr. frontisp., 2 ident. title-vignettes, dedic. plate, 2 portraits, 1 plate and 3 ills., contemp. unif. hroan, folio.

- Vol. 1 partly waterstained in lower blank corner, not affecting text; vol. 2 sm. owner's entry on first blank. Bindings worn.

= Ter Meulen/ Diermanse 232, 913 and 1249: "L'ouvrage est en grande partie basé sur des manuscrits et des lettres manuscrites". The main old source for the Grotius study in first edition.

€ (100-150)
76 2637 Grotius H  Brandt C 76 2637 Grotius H Brandt C
76/2637 [Grotius, H.]. Brandt, C. Historie van het leven des heeren Huig de Groot, beschreven tot den aanvang van zyn Gezantschap wegens de Koninginne en Kroone van Zweden aan 't Hof van Vrankryk (...) en vervolgt tot zyn doodt door A. van Cattenburgh. Dordr./ Amst., J. van Braam and G. Onder de Linden, 1727, 3 parts in 2 vols., (22),456; (6),454; 74,(26)p., engr. frontisp., 2 ident. title-vignettes, dedic. plate, 2 portraits, 1 plate and 3 ills., contemp. unif. marbled wr., folio.

- Contents loosening; vol. 1 waterst. at the beginning; a few lvs. w. marginal tears. Backstrips worn off; wrappers worn. Needs rebinding.

= Ter Meulen/ Diermanse 232, 913 and 1249: "L'ouvrage est en grande partie basé sur des manuscrits et des lettres manuscrites". The main old source for the Grotius study in first edition.

€ (100-150)
76 2638 Grotius H  Brandt C 76 2638 Grotius H Brandt C
76/2638 [Grotius, H.]. Brandt, C. Historie van het leven des heeren Huig de Groot, Beschreven tot den aanvang van zyn Gezantschap wegens de Koninginne en Kroone van Zweden aan 't Hof van Vrankryk (...) En vervolgt tot zyn doodt door A. van Cattenburgh. Dordr./ Amst., J. van Braam, A. Wor and Erve van G. onder de Linden, 1732, 2nd ed., 3 parts in 1 vol., (20),456; (32),454; 74p., engr. frontisp., 2 title-vignettes, dedic. plate, 2 portraits, 1 plate and 3 ills., contemp. calf w. gilt boardedges, gilt spine w. red mor. letterpiece, folio.

- Frontcover almost loose, holding on hinge; lower joint splitting. Contents fine.

= Ter Meulen/ Diermanse 232, 913 and 1249: "L'ouvrage est en grande partie basé sur des manuscrits et des lettres manuscrites". The main old source for the study of Grotius in second edition.

€ (150-250)
76 2639 Grotius H Brandt C a o  76 2639 Grotius H Brandt C a o
76/2639 [Grotius, H.]. (Brandt, C. a.o.). Het Leven van Hugo de Groot, getrokken uit de voornaamste historie-schryvers en dichters (...). Amst., J.B. Elwe and D.M. Langeveld, 1785, (4),164; (1)p., 2 fold. engr. plates, later gilt hcl. - BOUND WITH: Het leven van Joost van den Vondel/ Lykdichten op het overlyden van den vermaarden dichter Joost van den Vondel. N.pl., n.publ., n.d., 109,(3); (36)p., fold. engr. portrait.

- Sl. yellowed; lower hinge strengthened w. paper tape.

€ (50-70) 50
76/2640 Haarlem  Copia Extract uit het Testament van Wylen Vrouwen van der Graas Wed van Wylen de Heer Hoofdman van Diepenbroek Overleden binnen Haarlem 76/2640 Haarlem Copia Extract uit het Testament van Wylen Vrouwen van der Graas Wed van Wylen de Heer Hoofdman van Diepenbroek Overleden binnen Haarlem
76/2640 [Haarlem]. Copia. Extract uit het Testament van Wylen Vrouwen van der Graas Wed. van Wylen de Heer Hoofdman van Diepenbroek. Overleden binnen Haarlem. N.pl., n.publ., n.d. (±1780), (8)p., contemp. wr.

- Upper outer corner waterstained throughout; margins strengthened w. sl. loss of letters (and occas. an entire word [restored in manuscript]).

= Interesting and rare small publication, being a contemporary response to the manner in which the Mennonite Maria van der Graas (of Haarlem) bequeathed the fortune that she had inherited from her extremely wealthy husband Matthijs Hooftman van Diepenbroek (1728-1761), i.a. to 54 debtors whom she released from the obligation to repay her. The wealth of Matthijs Hooftman was said to be around 600.000 guilders. The orphans of the "Weeshuis van de Vlaamse en Waterlandse gemeente" (the orphanage of the Flemish and Waterland congregation), of which she had been a governess from 1771 onwards, also received considerable donations. The first part of the Extract lists the names of the 54 debtors who benefitted from her inheritance and the money that they received. The second part of the work consists of an anonymous poem titled Jaloersche gedachten By het leezen van de Gedrukte Copia Uit het Testament, Van Wylen de Edelmoedige vrouwe Van der Graas. In it the author laments the fact that he, who was born "In een geringe staat gantsch sobertjes" had never been favoured by Fortune. None of his relatives had ever donated any money to him. The fact that Maria van der Graas not only had bequeathed the money that the 54 most benefitted persons owed to her, but also returned to them all the interest that they had paid her, mortifies the author. Interestingly enough, 5 debtors were not released from their obligations, which the author considers to be a great injustice. Possibly the author was one of those 5 debtors....

€ (50-70) 275
76 2641 Haarlem  Het Spaaren 76 2641 Haarlem Het Spaaren
76 2641 Haarlem  Het Spaaren 76 2641 Haarlem Het Spaaren
76/2641 [Haarlem]. Het Spaaren. Haarlem, Joannes Met, 1782, 12p., woodcut title-vignette by "G.M.", contemp. chintz wr.

= Publication of the 'rederijkerskamer' Trouw moet blyken.

Ordonnantie van de vragt- en bestel-loonen van goederen die met de trekschuiten van Amsterdam op Haarlem worden gezonden, en waarby geen passagiers present zullen zijn. Ibid., Joh. Enschede e n Zoonen, n.d. (1791), 8p., contemp. wr.

€ (40-60)
76/2642 Haarlem  Wapen van Tilly Kracht en Werking van het Medicamentum Gratia Probatum 76/2642 Haarlem Wapen van Tilly Kracht en Werking van het Medicamentum Gratia Probatum
76/2642 [Haarlem]. "Wapen van Tilly. Kracht en Werking van het Medicamentum Gratia Probatum." Broadside, 33,5x21 cm., woodcut coat of arms (8,5x7 cm.) above letterpress text in 2 colums on recto, continued on verso, Haarlem, I. and J. Enschedé, ±1820.

- Folded and (oil?)stained; two partly illegible contemp. stamps in upper right corner (i.a. "Buitengewoon zegel Noord-Holland").

= Rare broadside advertising the so-called "Haarlemmerolie" produced by C. de Koning Tilly and invented by Claas Tilly in 1698. According to the text, this miraculous oil could cure just about every possible disease or physical inconvenience.

€ (70-90) 80
76 2643 Haarlemmermeer  Leegh water J A 76 2643 Haarlemmermeer Leegh water J A
76/2643 [Haarlemmermeer]. Leegh-water, J.A. Haarlemmer-meer-boeck. Dienende Tot een Remonstrantie, Verklaring ende Voor-bereydinge om de Haarlemmer ende de Leytse-Meer te bedyken (...) Mitsgaders: Van meest alle de Meeren die in Noort-Hollant (...) tot Land gemaakt zyn, zedert het jaar 1608 gedurende tot het jaar 1641. Amst., P. Visser a.o., 1714, 8th ed., 48p., engr. map on title-p., portrait of J.A. Leeghwater, fold. map of the Haarlemmermeer, full-p. circular bird's eye plan of Graft, 2 textengrs. (view of Ryp and "Grooten Brand in den Ryp"), contemp. hvellum, sm. 4to. - BOUND AS USUAL WITH: Idem. Een Kleyne Chronyke (...) van de Dorpen van Graft en de Ryp. Ibid., idem, 1714, 47,(1)p., 1 full-p. engr. circular bird's eye plan of Graft, 2 textengrs.

- Owner's annot. on upper pastedown; owner's entry on first free endpaper; upper hinge broken; bookblock split; (sl.) waterst.; several lvs. strenghtened/ repaired w. paper tape. Binding soiled/ dam.

= Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 181; Bierens de Haan 2696.

Velsen, C. Aanmerkingen over de tegenwoordige staat van de Haerlemmer Meer (...). Leyden, D. Goetval, 1727, 2nd ed., 8,40p., fold. engr. map., without binding.

- First quire loosening; (loosely inserted) contemp. annots. concerning the differences between the 1st and the 2nd edition; occas. sl. foxed.

AND 1 other ed. of the first work (Amst., 1838, 13th ed., 4 lithogr. maps/ plate/ portrait, contemp. (dam.) boards w. orig. wr. laid down. Browned. Nijhof/ Van Hattum 186; Bierens de Haan 2697).

€ (100-150) 150
76 2644 Haarlemmermeer  Velsen C 76 2644 Haarlemmermeer Velsen C
76/2644 [Haarlemmermeer]. Velsen, C. Aanmerkingen over de tegenwoordige staat van de Haerlemmer Meer (...). Leyden, D. Goetval, 1727, 2nd ed., 8,40p., fold. engr. map., contemp. stiff wr.

- Owner's stamp/ annots./ tickets on frontwr.; waterst. in lower margin throughout; map browned/ foxed.

Leegh-water, J.A. Het Haarlemmer-Meer-Boek. Ed. W.J.C. van Hasselt. Amst., G.J.A. Beijerinck, 1838, 13th ed., (4),112,80,(1)p., lithogr. portrait of the author, 2 fold. maps and 1 large fold. facs. plate, 1 textill., contemp. boards.

- Browned; one map w. tear of 8 cm. along fold; occas. owner's annots. Binding soiled/ dam.

= Nijhof/ Van Hattum 186; Bierens de Haan 2697.

€ (70-90)
76 2645 Harderwijk  Schrassert J 76 2645 Harderwijk Schrassert J
76 2645 Harderwijk  Schrassert J 76 2645 Harderwijk Schrassert J
76/2645 [Harderwijk]. Schrassert, J. Hardervicum antiquum ofte Beschryvinge der Stadt Harderwyck. Harderwijk, W. Lunterbosch and W. Brinkink, 1732, 2nd ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., (8),206,(6); (6),184,(7)p., 2 ident. woodcut coats of arms on title-p., modern antique style hleather.

- Trifle yellowed. = Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 272; De Buck 3890.

€ (50-70) 60
76 2646 Haren O Z van 76 2646 Haren O Z van
76/2646 Haren, O.Z. van. De Geusen. Zwolle, S. Clement, 1771, (8),224,(1)p., warranted by the author, later gilt hmor.

- Two stamps on title-p.; sl. foxed/ (finger)soiled. Covers rubbed, mainly along extremities; paper ticket on spine.

= With contemp. dedication on verso of the title-page: ''Dit exemplaar werd aangeboden aan Mevrouw de Wilde, geb. van Alsenburg''.

€ (100-150)
76 2647 Haverkamp S 76 2647 Haverkamp S
76 2647 Haverkamp S 76 2647 Haverkamp S
76/2647 Haverkamp, S. Algemeene histori der zaaken in Asie, Afrike en Europe, en in derzelver koningryken, landschappen, staaten en steden, Zederd het ophouden der Fabel-Eeuwe tot op de Heerschappy van Karel den Grooten, en tot den Tyd, doorgaans de Middel-Eeuwe genaamd, voorgevallen. The Hague, P.de Hondt, 1736-1737, 2 (of 3) vols., (24),368 [= 372],(30); (16),310,(38)p., 2 ident. engr. title-vign., 1 portr., 11 fold. maps, 58 plates depicting num. coins, num. text engr., contemp. unif. hcalf, folio.

- Lacks vol.3. Both vols. w. remnants of bookplate on upper pastedown; occas. sl. foxed/ stained; vol.1 lacks final index leaf; partly sl. waterst. in upper blank margin; vol.2 one plate creased and outer lower corner of blank margin torn off. Both vols. covers worn; spine dam.

= Large paper copy. Lipsius/ Leitzmann p.178.

€ (100-150) 275
76 2648 Hawkesworth J  ed  76 2648 Hawkesworth J ed
76 2648 Hawkesworth J  ed  76 2648 Hawkesworth J ed
76/2648 Hawkesworth, J. (ed.). Voyages autour du Monde, entrepris par Ordre de sa Majesté Britannique, actuellement regnante, Pour faire des Découvertes dans l'Hémisphère Austral. Exécutés successivement par le Chef d'Escadre Byron, les Capitaines Wallis, Carteret & Cooke, dans les Vaisseaux le Dauphin, l'Hirondelle & l'Endeavour (...) Sur les journaux tenus par les divers Commandans, & d'après les papiers de Mr. Joseph Banks. Amst./ Rott., E. van Harrevelt and D.J. Changuion/ H. Bema and Bennet et Hake, 1774, 4 vols., 52 (fold.) maps and plates, contemp. unif. giltlettered hroan, 4to.

- Some sl. occas. foxing/ yellowing. Bindings (sl.) rubbed; vol. 3 sm. tear at top of backstrip.

= Mainly on the first voyage by James Cook. Robert 406; Cat. NHSM p.137; Sabin 30941; Hocken p.10f (1st Engl. ed., 1773, w. ref. to the French transl., but not listing this ed.); Hill 782 and 783 (1st and 2nd Engl. ed., 1773); Cat. Nat. Maritime Mus. 565 (1st Engl. ed., 1773). "(...) important collection chronicling English maritime expeditions, edited by John Hawkesworth. (...) Cook's discoveries won him prominence, promotion, and the opportunity to sail again. They also ensured John Hawkesworth's position in maritime literary history, as the official chronicler of Cook's first voyage. Hawkesworth, an eminent London author, was chosen (...) and commisioned by the Admirality to prepare these narratives for publication. (...) [He] was expected to add polish to the rough narratives of sea men, and to present the accounts befitting the status of the voyages as official government expeditions intended to embellish England's prestige as a maritime power (...)" (Hill, p.278). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CIV.

€ (1.500-2.500) 1600
76 2649 Heerman F 76 2649 Heerman F
76/2649 Heerman, F. Guldene annotatien. Vertonende de Heerlijkste Daden, Deughden, Leeringen, en Sententien van d'Alder-Door-luchtichste ende Vermaerste Mannen der Werelt. Amst., A. Schoonenburg, 1735, 30th ed., (12),688,(14)p., engr. frontisp. by J. LUYKEN, portr., contemp. vellum.

- Sl. fingersoiled. Joints split; backstrip partly loosening.

= Muller 388; cf. Scheepers II, 755 (6th ed., 1642) and Waller 693/ 694 (11th ed., 1654/ 15th ed., 1663). "Weinig Nederlandsche boeken zijn zóó populair geweest als deze bloemlezing van kernspreuken uit de klassieke en nieuwere schrijvers" (Muller 383, 6th ed.).

Bauer, S. Biographiën van beroemde en beruchte menschen. Leeuw., Steenbergen van Goor, 1822, VIII,352p., contemp. boards.

= Contains biographies of i.a. King Frederik of Prussia, Peter van Tordenskjold (Danish vice-admiral), Robert Burns and Frans Hendrik de la Motte (French spy). Rare, not in the usual recerence works.

BOUND WITH: Cramer, J.A. C.F. Gellert's leven. Amst., P. Meijer, 1774, (4),224p., 2 engr. plates. - AND WITH: Gellert, G.F. Troost-redenen voor een ongezond leven. Ibid., P. Spriet en Zoon, 1765, 52p. - AND WITH: Wieland, E.K. Karakterschets van Dr. Martin Luther. Gron./ Amst., W. Wouters/ J.F. Nieman, 1803, (2),188p.

- Sl. fingersoiled; one plate w. closed tear. Binding rubbed.

€ (50-70) 60
76 2650 Herder J G von 76 2650 Herder J G von
76/2650 Herder, J.G. von. Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit. Karlsruhe/ Riga, C.G. Schmieder, 1790-1792, 4 vols., 1 engr. title-vignette, contemp. unif. hcalf w. 2 mor. letterpieces, sm. 8vo.

- All vols. bookplate on upper pastedown and sm. library stamp on title-p.

= Goedeke IV/1, p.730. The first ed. was published from 1784 onwards.

€ (80-100)
76 2651 Herdesianus C 76 2651 Herdesianus C
76 2651 Herdesianus C 76 2651 Herdesianus C
76/2651 Herdesianus, C. Consensus Orthodoxus Sacrae Scripturae et Veteris Ecclesiae (...). Zürich, Froschauer, 1578, (27),200 lvs., woodcut printer's mark, contemp. blindst. pigskin w. 2 brass clasps and catches, 4to.

- Partly waterst. in upper (blank) margin; upper hinge sl. weak. Binding w. some tiny holes and sm. restored spots.

= Adams H318.

BOUND WITH: Andreae, J. Solida Refutatio compilationis Cinglianae, & Caluinianae, quam illi Consensum Orthodoxum (...) in lucem ediderunt, & aliquoties recoxerunt. Tübingen, G. Gruppenbach, 1584, (20),657,(26)p., 2 woodcut printer's marks.

€ (200-300) 200
76 2652 Heunisch C 76 2652 Heunisch C
76/2652 Heunisch, C. Aetates patrum praecipuorum, Ex certis fundamentis Historicis atque Chronologicis accurate demonstratae. Adjecta est etiam Chronologia conciliorum sex oecumenicorum. Rotenburg, N. de Millenau, 1677, (24),662,81,(1)p., contemp. gilt calf w. red mor. letterpiece.

- Browned; extensive owner's annots. on upper endpapers; owners' entry/ stamps on title-p.; underlining throughout; final 120 lvs. (sl.) waterst. in lower (blank) margin; 1 leaf torn over 4 cm. in outer upper corner. Paper tickets on front cover; spine worn/ dam.

= Rare, only 1 copy traced in NCC.

€ (100-150)
76/2653 Holland  Tegenwoordige staat der Vereenigde Nederlanden vierde achtste deel  Holland 76/2653 Holland Tegenwoordige staat der Vereenigde Nederlanden vierde achtste deel Holland
76/2653 Holland  Tegenwoordige staat der Vereenigde Nederlanden vierde achtste deel  Holland 76/2653 Holland Tegenwoordige staat der Vereenigde Nederlanden vierde achtste deel Holland
76/2653 [Holland]. Tegenwoordige staat der Vereenigde Nederlanden; vierde(-achtste) deel. (...) Holland. Amst., I. Tirion, 1742-1750, 5 vols., 5 different engr. frontisp., 12 fold. maps, 23 (of 24) fold. plans, 20 (fold.) plates/ views, 1 table, contemp. unif. marbled wr.

- Lacks 1 plan; vols. 3, 4, and 5 partly (sl.) waterstained in (blank) margins; vol. 1 partly sl. foxed; all vols. bookplate on upper pastedown. Backstrips sunned; upper joint vol. 1 starting at foot of spine.

= Contains maps of i.a. Haarlemmermeer, Rijnland, Gooiland, Delftland, Schieland/ Krimperwaard, Amstelland and Kennemerland and (profile) views of i.a. Amstelveen, Amsterdam, Delft, Gouda, Haarlem, Rotterdam and The Hague. Apart from plans of all the large towns in Holland, a number of plans of smaller cities are included, i.a. Enkhuizen, Geertruidenberg, Gorinchem, Medemblik, Purmerend, Schiedam and Schoonhoven.

Tegenwoordige Staat der Vereenigde Nederlanden; zesde deel. Behelzende Het Vervolg der Beschryvinge van Holland. Ibid., idem, 1746, (8),601,(31)p., 1 table, contemp. calf w. gilt spine and 1 mor. letterpieces (of 2).

- Stripped copy. Lacks 1 letterpiece.

AND 1 other: G. VAN REYN, Geschiedkundige beschrijving der stad Rotterdam; en beknopt overzigt van het Hoogheemraadschap van Schieland (vol. 1 of 2).

€ (800-1.000) 1000
76/2654 Hollandtsche Mercurius vervatende de voornaemste Geschiedenissen voor gevallen in 't gantze Iaer 1658 In Christenryck Het Negende Deel 76/2654 Hollandtsche Mercurius vervatende de voornaemste Geschiedenissen voor gevallen in 't gantze Iaer 1658 In Christenryck Het Negende Deel
76/2654 Hollandtsche Mercurius vervatende de voornaemste Geschiedenissen voor gevallen in 't gantze Iaer 1658 In Christenryck Het Negende Deel 76/2654 Hollandtsche Mercurius vervatende de voornaemste Geschiedenissen voor gevallen in 't gantze Iaer 1658 In Christenryck Het Negende Deel
76/2654 Hollandtsche Mercurius, vervatende de voornaemste Geschiedenissen, voor gevallen in 't gantze Iaer 1658. In Christenryck; Het Negende Deel. Haarlem, P. Casteleyn, 1659, (6),184p., woodcut title-vignette, engr. frontisp. w. map of Denmark and inset view of Kronborg castle, contemp. vellum, sm. 4to.

- Frontisp. prob. lacks lower part; lacks pastedowns. Binding w. minor imperfections.

= Important and highly esteemed annual, based on eye-witness accounts, and giving a wealth of information on the Netherlands incl. its colonies and Europe. The printer and publisher P. Casteleyn was the founder of the world's oldest (and still existing) newspaper, the "Oprechte Haarlemsche Courant"

€ (70-90) 200