1875 - 3189     OLD and RARE BOOKS

Page 34 of 66 Results 661 - 680 of 1315
76 2535 Elzevier and annexes  Sionita G a o 76 2535 Elzevier and annexes Sionita G a o
76/2535 [Elzevier and annexes]. Sionita, G. a.o. Arabia, seu Arabum vicinarumque gentium Orientalium leges, ritus, sacri et profani mores, instituta et historia. Amst., W. and J. Blaeu, 1635, 247,(1)p., engr. title, contemp. calf w. double gilt fillet border around sides, 12mo.

- Neatly closed tear in final leaf. Top of spine chipped.

= Compilation of 6 treatises written by 7 authors on the habits and customs of the Asian and Arabic peoples. Rahir 1857; cf. Gay 3452; Blackmer 1544 (listing the ed. Paris, 1619): "This important work contains early descriptions of Bagdad, Bokhara, Damascus, Medina, Mecca and Aleppo. The Geographia Nubiensis seems to have provided the major Arabic source for 17th century historians and geographers. (...)."

€ (150-250) 275
76/2536 Elzevier and annexes  Turcici Imperii status Accedit De Regn Algeriano atque Tunetano Commentarius 76/2536 Elzevier and annexes Turcici Imperii status Accedit De Regn Algeriano atque Tunetano Commentarius
76/2536 [Elzevier and annexes]. Turcici Imperii status. Accedit De Regn. Algeriano atque Tunetano Commentarius. Leyden, Ex officina Elzeviriana [B. and A. Elzevier], 1634, (8),363,(5)p., engr. handcol. title, contemp. overlapping vellum, 12mo.

- Remnant of catalogue entry on upper pastedown. Fine copy.

= Willems 416; Rahir 404. The enlarged second edition (first 1630).

€ (70-90) 325
76 2537 Emblemata  Cats J 76 2537 Emblemata Cats J
76/2537 [Emblemata]. Cats, J. Spiegel van den ouden en nieuwen tyd. Bestaende Uyt Spreeck-woorden, ontleent van de voorige en jegenwoordige Eeuwe (...). Vermeerdert met groote menighte van Spreeckwoorden/ door het geheele werck (...). Den lesten Druck, van nieuws oversien en gecorrigeert (...). Amst., Erven Wed. de Groot and A. van Dam, 1722, (16),320p., engr. frontisp., 79 emblematical ills., contemp. vellum, sm. 8vo.

- Occas. waterst. (worse at the beginning, incl. frontisp.); bookblock sl. shaken.

= Landwehr 167; Cats STCN 201; Mus. Catsianum 168.

BOUND WITH: Idem. Gedachten op slapeloose nachten (...). Leyden, J. van der Deyster, 1732, 8th ed., (16),235,5 (publisher's catalogue)p., engr. frontisp., div. title, 28 ills.

= Cats STCN 43; Mus. Catsianum 213.

Idem. 's Werelts Begin, Midden, Eynde, beslooten in den Trou-Ring, met den Proef-Steen van den selven. Amst., I. vander Putte, n.d., (42),673,(3)p., engr. title and 1 div. title, 2 portraits, 48 ills., contemp. vellum.

- Partly vaguely waterst.; frontcover sl. soiled. = Cats STCN 254; Mus. Catsianum 188.

€ (80-100) 90
76 2538 Emblemata  Elger W den 76 2538 Emblemata Elger W den
76/2538 [Emblemata]. Elger, W. den. Zinne-beelden der liefde, Met Puntdigten en Aanteekeningen. Amst., J. Roman de Jonge, 1732, 3rd ed., (12),368p., engr. title-p., title-vignette, 50 emblematical ills., contemp. vellum, 4to.

- Partly trifle foxed and yellowed; sm. bookplate on upper pastedown. Upper joint splitting at top. A good/ fine copy.

= Landwehr 214; Praz p.323.

€ (250-350)
76 2539 Emblemata  Haeften B 76 2539 Emblemata Haeften B
76 2539 Emblemata  Haeften B 76 2539 Emblemata Haeften B
76/2539 [Emblemata]. Haeften, B. De Heyr-Baene des Cruys, Seer vermaeckelijck om lesen; Door de welcke seer ghestichtelijck aen alle soorten van menschen, soo gheestelijcke als werelijcke, gheleert wort, hoe-men door de Cruycen van alderhande lijden, oft tegen-spoet van dese bedroefde tijdelijcke wereldt, geraecken moet tot de eeuwighe vreught-saligheyt des Hemels. Ed. P. Mallants. Antw., J. Woons, 1693, 3rd ed., (24),440,(24)p., engr. title, 14 full-p. emblematic ills., contemp. vellum, sm. 8vo.

- Sl. soiled/ thumbed; new upper endpaper; upper hinge broken; lower endpaper waterstained; bookblock weak/ shaken. Binding stained.

= Landwehr 276; Praz p.361; BCNI 15221.

€ (70-90) 90
76 2540 Emblemata  Horapollo 76 2540 Emblemata Horapollo
76 2540 Emblemata  Horapollo 76 2540 Emblemata Horapollo
76/2540 [Emblemata]. Horapollo. De sacris notis & sculpturis libri duo, ubi ad fidem vetusti codicis manu seripti restituta sunt loca permulta, corrupta ante ac deplorata. Paris, J. Kerver, 1551, (20),240,(2)p., 195 woodcut emblems attributed to JEAN COUSIN, text in Latin and Greek, contemp. vellum w. orange mor. letterpiece, sm. 8vo.

- Wormholed and waterstained almost throughout, occas. dam. w. loss of words/ letters. Vellum of upper cover dam. on outer edge. Sold w.a.f.

= First illustrated edition of a work also known as "Hieroglyphica", first publ. in 1505 by Aldus (without emblems). Mortimer, French 315: "Kerver was the first to commission the emblematic woodcuts and to print the Horapollo text itself in the form of an emblem book."; Pettegree FB 74164; Adams/ Rawles/ Saunders, French embl. books F.330; Landwehr, Romanic 381; Praz 374; Adams H850. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CI.

€ (500-700) 600
76 2541 Emblemata  La Court P de 76 2541 Emblemata La Court P de
76 2541 Emblemata  La Court P de 76 2541 Emblemata La Court P de
76/2541 [Emblemata]. (La Court, P. de). Sinryke fabulen, Verklaart en Toegepast Tot alderley Zeede-lessen. Dienstig om waargenoomen te werden in het Menschelijke en Burgerlijke leeven. Amst., H. Sweerts, 1685, (18),727p., engr. frontisp. and 100 emblems by J. GOLE, contemp. calf w. gilt spine and mor. letterpiece, 4to.

- Title-p. sl. fingersoiled. Backcover loose; binding dam.

= Bodemann 82.1; Landwehr 433; Praz p.392; Wildenberg 1131. Van de Klashorst 310: "Collection of fables, each of which is interpreted, usually in a political, republican sense. The author warns continuously against the dangers of monarchy. He also expounds a Cartesian psychology". The Children's World of Learning 3094: "The book represents a perfect example of the coexistence and cross-fertilisation of fable and emblem books, which took place in The Netherlands in the late 17th century." First and only edition.

€ (150-250) 160
76 2542 Emblemata  Luiken J 76 2542 Emblemata Luiken J
76 2542 Emblemata  Luiken J 76 2542 Emblemata Luiken J
76/2542 [Emblemata]. Luiken, J. Des Menschen Begin, Midden en Einde; Vertoonende het Kinderlyk Bedryf en Aanwasch, In Eenënvyftig Konstige Figuuren (...). Amst., F. Houttuyn, 1749, (30),103,(7)p., engr. frontisp., portrait of J. Luiken, 51 ¾-p. emblematical ills. by J. LUIKEN, contemp. vellum, sm. 8vo.

- Occas. trifle foxed; 1 leaf lacks portion of outer blank margin, not affecting text or image. Some stains on backcover. Nevertheless a good copy.

= Cf. Klaversma/ Hannema 937; cf. Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 443; cf. Landwehr 525. The illustrations i.a. depicting children's games, incl. "De Kolf".

€ (100-150) 140
76 2543 Emblemata  Luiken J 76 2543 Emblemata Luiken J
76 2543 Emblemata  Luiken J 76 2543 Emblemata Luiken J
76 2543 Emblemata  Luiken J 76 2543 Emblemata Luiken J
76/2543 [Emblemata]. Luiken, J. Duytse Lier, Draayende veel van de Nieuwste, deftige, en dartelende toonen (...). Vermeerdert met het Leeven van den Autheur. Amst., J. Hayman, 1730, (16),109,(5)p., engr. frontisp. and 9 emblematic ills. by JAN LUYKEN after M. LE BLON, contemp. mottled calf w. richly gilt spine and mor. letterpiece, gilt tooled boardedges.

- Sl. waterstained in upper blank margin, not affecting text or image.

= Klaversma/ Hannema 945; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen, p.XIX: "Aangaande de jongelingsjaren van Jan Luyken is met zekerheid weinig belangrijks bekend, vooral met het oog op zijne werkzaamheid. Ter uitspanning beoefende hij vlijtig de dichtkunst; met name geschiedde dit in gezelligen kring van jongelieden, waar hij aanleiding vond tot het vervaardigen van zijner minnedichten, die in 1671 bijeenverzameld werden uitgegeven onder de titel: Joan Luykens Duytse Lier (...)".

BOUND BEFORE: Idem. Zedelyke en stichtelyke gezangen (...). En Den Lof en Oordeel van de Werken der Barmhertigheid. Ibid., K. vander Sys, 1734, (8),300,(8),17,(1)p., 2 engr. frontispieces and 30 large emblems.

- From the library of J. Greshoff, w. his bookplate on upper pastedown; some offsetting from turn-ins. Frontcover loosening, holding on cords.

= Klaversma/ Hannema 1044; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 399; Landwehr 387.

€ (100-150) 220
76 2544 Emblemata  Mayvogel J C 76 2544 Emblemata Mayvogel J C
76 2544 Emblemata  Mayvogel J C 76 2544 Emblemata Mayvogel J C
76/2544 [Emblemata]. Mayvogel, J.C. Gulden-spiegel, ofte Opwekkinge tot Christelyke Deugden (...) Noch is hier bygevoegt, Tamars Ontschakinge, Of de Verdoolde Liefde van Ammon. Als mede De Vermackelyke Bruylofts-Kroon. Doorgevlochten met verscheyde Leersaeme Gedichten, Vermakelijke Bruylofts en aendachtige Liedekens; Voorgestelt op de Vier Getyden van den Dag. Amst., widow G. de Groot, 1701, 3 parts in 1 vol., 246; (6),52; (2),206p., woodcut frontisp. (with i.a. a view of the harbour of Hoorn), 3 diff. title-vignettes, 21 half-p. ills., contemp. gilt and panelled calf w. on frontcover "Gulden Spiegel" and on backcover "Jan van Hoorn" in centre, gilt spine, gilt boardedges, a.e.g., contemp.(?) silver clasp and catch.

- New endpapers; hinges strengthened; library and cancellation stamp on title. Spine restored w. use of leather; remnant of library sticker on backstrip at foot of spine; binding sl. rubbed along extremities.

= Cf. Praz p.416 (note); cf. Landwehr 550 (ed. Amst., 1659) and Scheurleer, Ned. Liedboeken p.58.

€ (80-100) 140
76 2545 Emblemata  Ripa C 76 2545 Emblemata Ripa C
76 2545 Emblemata  Ripa C 76 2545 Emblemata Ripa C
76 2545 Emblemata  Ripa C 76 2545 Emblemata Ripa C
76 2545 Emblemata  Ripa C 76 2545 Emblemata Ripa C
76 2545 Emblemata  Ripa C 76 2545 Emblemata Ripa C
76 2545 Emblemata  Ripa C 76 2545 Emblemata Ripa C
76/2545 [Emblemata]. Ripa, C. Allerley Künsten, und Wissenschaften, dienlicher Sinnbildern, und Gedancken (...). Augsb., G. Hertel, n.d. (±1750), 2 parts in 10 sections in 1 vol., entirely engraved, 10 div. titles, (4) index leaves (recto only), frontisp. and 200 full-p. emblems after G. EICHLER, contemp. calf w. gilt spine, 4to.

- Some plates (esp. in section VII) sl. waterstained in margin (occas. inside image); other plates occas. sl. foxed (1x sl. stained). Backstrip dam. and covers worn.

= Kat. Orn. Berlin 4595; Landwehr 505; Praz p.473f.

€ (700-900)
76 2546 Emblemata  Schoonhovius F 76 2546 Emblemata Schoonhovius F
76 2546 Emblemata  Schoonhovius F 76 2546 Emblemata Schoonhovius F
76/2546 [Emblemata]. Schoonhovius, F. Emblemata, Partim Moralia, partim etiam Civilia. (...) Accedunt et alia quaedam Poëmatia in alijs Poëmatum suorum libris non contenta. Amst., J. Jansonius, 1648, (12),235p., engr. title, portr. and 74 emblems by C. VAN DE PASSE II, later calf, sm. 4to.

- Bookplate of Baron de Worms on upper pastedown. Heavily restored binding. Exceptionally clean copy.

= Landwehr 730; Praz p.493.

€ (150-250) 160
76 2547 Emblemata  Vondel J van den 76 2547 Emblemata Vondel J van den
76/2547 [Emblemata]. Vondel, J. van den. Toonneel des Menschelikken levens. Of de vernieuwde Gulden Winkel. Amst., J. vanden Bergh, 1661, (1),148,(2)p., engr. title, portrait, 74 ½-p. emblematic ills., contemp. vellum, sm. 4to.

- Bookplate on upper pastedown; sl. fingersoiled and occas. (water)stained.

= Landwehr 879; Unger 74; Schuytvlot 48;

€ (100-150) 140
76 2548 Emblemata  Vondel J van den 76 2548 Emblemata Vondel J van den
76 2548 Emblemata  Vondel J van den 76 2548 Emblemata Vondel J van den
76 2548 Emblemata  Vondel J van den 76 2548 Emblemata Vondel J van den
76/2548 [Emblemata]. Vondel, J. van den. De Vernieuwde Gulden Winckel der kunstlievende Nederlanders. Amst., D. Pietersz., 1622, 2 parts in 1 vol., (8),1-74; 75-93,(1)p., woodcut title-vignette, 73 engr. half-p. emblematic textills. by G. DE JODE after C. VAN DEN BROECK, contemp. overlapping vellum.

- Extensive (contemp.) owner's entries and annots. on blanks; new endpapers. Upper joint starting at spine-ends.

= Landwehr, Dutch emblembooks, 877; Unger 72; Schuytvlot 46.

€ (100-150) 210
76 2549 Erasmus D 76 2549 Erasmus D
76/2549 Erasmus, D. Adagiorum Epitome. Ex novißima Chiliadum recognitione excerpta. Lyon, S. Grypius, 1553, 536,(68)p., 2 woodcut printer's marks, contemp. calf w. gilt central ornament on both covers within blindst. fillet lines w. gilt corner fleurons, within fillet borders, gilt spine.

- Partly sl. waterstained in lower (and outer) blank margin, not affecting text; occas. trifle browned; some scattered annots. Professionally restored and rebacked.

= Cf. Bezzel 116 (ed. 1544) and 120 (ed. 1550).

€ (250-350) 250
76 2550 Erasmus D 76 2550 Erasmus D
76/2550 Erasmus, D. Apophthegmatum libri octo cum primis frugiferi, denuò vigilanter ab ipso recognio ti autore, non sine lucro novae accessionis. Cologne, J. Gymnich, 1538, (16),712,(38)p., woodcut printer's mark on title, contemp. blindst. and panelled calf over wooden boards, two brass catches, sm. 8vo.

- First ±30 and final ±30 lvs. w. some sm. wormholes in text; contemp. owner's entries on title and blank prelim. and final lvs.; pastedowns loose; p.377 and 601 text partly crossed out. Both covers sl. wormholed; lacks clasps; paper ticket on spine; joints splitting; corners showing.

= Rare edition of Erasmus' popular collection of more than two thousand aphorisms, apothegms and anecdotes, intended to be both educational and entertaining. Bezzel 200; Van der Haeghen I, p.15.

€ (400-600) 400
76 2551 Erasmus D 76 2551 Erasmus D
76/2551 Erasmus, D. Colloquia nunc emendatiora. Amst., D. Elzevier, 1677, (6),589,(3)p., engr. title, 19th century gilt hcalf w. mor. letterpiece, 12mo.

- Trifle yellowed. Binding badly worn along extremities. = Rahir 1662; Willems 1533.

Idem. De immensa dei misericordia. Leyden, J. Maire, 1641, 143p., woodcut printer's mark, contemp. vellum, 12mo.

€ (50-70) 70
76 2552 Erasmus D 76 2552 Erasmus D
76/2552 Erasmus, D. Colloquia, cum notis selectis variorum, addito indice novo. Ed. C. Schrevelius. Leyden and Rott., Ex officina Hackiana, 1664, (10),784,(20)p., engr. title, contemp. overlapping vellum.

- Bookblock sl. shaken; pastedowns loose. Vellum. sl. stained.

= Graesse II 495.

€ (80-100)
76 2553 Erasmus D 76 2553 Erasmus D
76/2553 Erasmus, D. Lof der Sotheyd. Dutch transl. "In Nederduytsche rijmen" J. Westerbaen. The Hague, A., J. and P. Tongerloo, 1659, (16),160p., later plain boards, sm. 8vo.

- Occas. sl. foxed; outer upper corner sl. waterstained.

= Rare. Bibl. Belg. E 956; Vander Haeghen I, p.124. Translation in verses by the Dutch poet Jacob Westerbaen.

€ (80-100) 130
76 2554 Erotica  Bienville D T de 76 2554 Erotica Bienville D T de
76/2554 [Erotica]. Bienville, D.T. de. La Nymphomanie, ou Traité de la Fureur Utérine, dans lequel on explique, avec autant de clarté que de méthode, les commencemens & les progrès de cette cruelle Maladie, dont on développe les différentes cause; ensuite on propose les Moyens de conduite dans les diverses périodes, & les Spécifiques les plus éprouvés pour la curation. Amst., M.-M. Rey, 1778, new ed., XXII,(2),179p., contemp. limp boards, 12mo.

- Upper pastedown and first few lvs. (incl. title-p.) sl. mouldy; sm. library stamp on title-p. Frontcover sl. rubbed.

= Bibliotheca Medica Neerlandica I, p.167. The first original French edition was published in Amsterdam, 1771. Hagelin p. 125: "Bienville's Nymphomania and Tissot's L'Onanisme, where Latin gave place to the vernacular, made them two bestsellers but they also generated an evil flora of books and pamphlets constantly pouring out all over Christian Europe and North America during the nineteenth century and well up to the 1960s. (...) Bienville's and Tissot's pioneer works (...) are good examples of really bad literature that has caused much more harm and misery than the subject itself. (...) Bienville's Nymphomania and Tissot's L'Onanisme have a permanent place within the history of psychiatry."

€ (100-150) 100