75 2890 Greenland Egede H
75 2890 Greenland  Egede H
75 2890 Greenland  Egede H
75 2890 Greenland  Egede H
75 2890 Greenland  Egede H
75/2890 [Greenland]. Egede, H. Beschryving van Oud-Groenland, of eigentlyk van de zogenaamde Straat Davis: behelzende deszelfs Natuurlyke Historie, Standsgelegenheid, Gedaante, Grensscheidingen, Veld-Gewassen, Dieren, Vogelen, Visschen, enz. Mitsgaders den Oirsprong en Voortgang der Aeloude Noorweegsche Volkplantingen in dat Gewest; benevens den Aart, Inborst, Wooningen, Levenswyze, Kleding, Spraak, Bygelovigheid, Dichtkunst, Uitspanningen en Tydverdryven der Hedendaagsche Inboorlingen. Delft, R. Boitet, 1746, 1st Dutch ed., (24),192p., fold. engr. map and 11 plates, contemp. vellum, sm. 4to.

- Occas. trifle foxed; sm. tear in map, sl. affecting the image. Sm. scratch on backcover. Fine copy.

= First Dutch translation of the edition published in Copenhagen, 1741. Hans Egede (1686-1758), a Norwegian-Danish Lutheran missionary and minister, stayed in Greenland from 1721 to 1736. His work is regarded as one of the most trustworthy old accounts."[It] includes an extensive study of the national history of Greenland, together with descriptions of the life and customs of the Greenlanders, their religion, knowledge of the stars, and a brief vocabulary of their language. The portion of the book that deals with Greenland's geography and earlier history was much expanded." (Howgego). With parts on whales and whaling incl. 3 plates (not mentioned by Ingalls) and customs, sports and pastimes of the Eskimos with 4 plates. Holland 1721-22[A], 1723[B], 1728[B] and 1736[B] ("the founder of modern Greenland" [Egede]); Tiele 347; cat. NHSM I, p.301; Sabin 22026; Lauridsen VIII, 194; Chavanne 5256; Muller, America 652; Howgego E17; Jenkins p.97; Henze II, p.154-156; cf. Arctic Bibliography 4364. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CXXXVI.

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