1875 - 3189     OLD and RARE BOOKS

Page 42 of 66 Results 821 - 840 of 1315
76/2695 Incunabula and early 16th cent books  Lot of 5 incunable leaves from a German Bible 76/2695 Incunabula and early 16th cent books Lot of 5 incunable leaves from a German Bible
76/2695 [Incunabula and early 16th cent. books]. Lot of 5 incunable leaves from a German Bible, Augsb., Günther Zainer, 1477, text printed in 2 columns, 51 lines to the page, all initials touched in red, folio.

- First leaf w. traces of paper clipping in lower margin; all lvs. large stain in lower blank margin (2 lvs. the last (two) lines affected); sm. wormhole in outer lower blank margin.

= Goff B-627.

€ (70-90) 80
76 2696 Incunabula and early 16th cent books  Lot of 5 incunable leaves 76 2696 Incunabula and early 16th cent books Lot of 5 incunable leaves
76 2696 Incunabula and early 16th cent books  Lot of 5 incunable leaves 76 2696 Incunabula and early 16th cent books Lot of 5 incunable leaves
76 2696 Incunabula and early 16th cent books  Lot of 5 incunable leaves 76 2696 Incunabula and early 16th cent books Lot of 5 incunable leaves
76/2696 [Incunabula and early 16th cent. books]. Lot of 5 incunable leaves, 4x Latin text, 1x German and 1x in Greek script, recto and verso.

- Leaf with German text mounted on stiff paper.

= Consisting of 1 leaf each from i.a. ETYMOLOGICUM (Venice, Zacharias Kallierges for Nikokas Blastos, 1499); BONAVENTURA, Sermones de tempore et de sanctis (Zwolle, Johannes de Vollenhoe, 1479) and M.T. CICERO, Scripta philosophica (Rome, Conradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus Pannartz, 1471).

€ (100-150) 110
76 2697 Incunabula and early 16th cent books Miniatures  Pièta 76 2697 Incunabula and early 16th cent books Miniatures Pièta
76/2697 [Incunabula and early 16th cent. books. Miniatures]. (Pièta). Miniature metalcut handcol. in colours and gold, ±3,2x2,2 cm., on recto of a bifolium from a Book of Hours, Paris, Antoine Vérard, 1503, printed Latin text in black ink on vellum, rubricated, ±20,4x27 cm. (leaf), ±13,5x7,5cm. (text), 6/ 32 lines, all within metalcut dec. borders on verso, all w. capitals rubricated in red or red and blue ink and heightened w. gold.

= Lacombe 130.

€ (150-250) 325
76 2698 India  Bartoli D 76 2698 India Bartoli D
76/2698 [India]. Bartoli, D. Missione al Gran Mogor del Padre Ridolfo Aquaviva della Compagnia di Giesú: Sua Vita e Morte, e d'altri quattro compagni Uccisi in odio della Fede in Salfete di Goa. Rome, G.M. Salvioni, 1714, (28),228,(6)p., title-p. printed in red and black, 2 ident. engr. printer's marks, large fold. plate, 7 vignettes, contemp. vellum.

- Sl. foxed/ sl. fingersoiled; upper hinge partly split.

= Third edition of this account of the mission by the Jesuit Ridolfo Aquaviva to the Court of the Mughal Emperor Akbar the Great in 1580, first published in Rome, 1663. Aquaviva was the first missionary to enter the court of the Mughal Emperor Akbar the Great in 1580. He stayed there for 3 years, but left the court when his efforts to convert the Mughal Emperor remained fruitless. He was killed in 1583 on his subsequent mission to the Hindu Kshatriyas of Salcette, not far from Goa. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CVII.

€ (200-300) 300
76 2699 India  Laet J de 76 2699 India Laet J de
76 2699 India  Laet J de 76 2699 India Laet J de
76 2699 India  Laet J de 76 2699 India Laet J de
76/2699 [India]. (Laet, J. de). De imperio Magni Mogolis Sive India vera Commentarius. Leyden, Ex officina Elzeviriana [B. and A. Elzevier], 1631, (12),299,(17)p., engr. title, 1 full-p. woodcut ill., contemp. vellum w. gilt ornaments in the shape of elephants on the spine, 12mo.

- Part of bookplate on upper pastedown. = Rahir 333; Willems 354 note.

€ (100-150) 170
76 2700 India  Laet J de 76 2700 India Laet J de
76/2700 [India]. (Laet, J. de). De imperio Magni Mogolis Sive India vera Commentarius. Leyden, Ex officina Elzeviriana [B. and A. Elzevier], 1631, (12),299,(17)p., engr. title, 1 full-p. woodcut ill., contemp. gilt calf w. mor. letterpiece, 12mo.

- Sl. yellowed. Binding sl. rubbed. = Rahir 333. Willems 354 note.

€ (100-150) 100
76 2701 Islam  Galland J C 76 2701 Islam Galland J C
76/2701 [Islam]. Galland, J.C. Recueil des rits et cérémonies du pelerinage de la Mecque; auquel on a joint divers Ecrits relatifs à la réligion, aux Sciences & aux Moeurs des Turcs. Amst/ Paris, Desaint & Saillant, 1754, VIII,215,(1)p., contemp. marbled calf w. gilt spine.

- Title-p. sl. yellowed and foxed. Spine-ends sl. rubbed. Otherwise fine.

= Gay 3639; Blackmer 643; Atabey 470. Scarce. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CVII.

€ (1.200-1.500)
76 2702 Italy  Misson F M 76 2702 Italy Misson F M
76 2702 Italy  Misson F M 76 2702 Italy Misson F M
76 2702 Italy  Misson F M 76 2702 Italy Misson F M
76/2702 [Italy]. Misson, F.M. Nieuwe reize na en door Italien, met een Bericht voor de gene die voornemens zyn dezelve Reize te doen. Ed. J. Addison. Utr., W. van de Water/ J. van Poolsum, 1724, 1st Dutch ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., (34),422; (2),426,(34)p., 2 ident. engr. titles by J. GOEREE, woodcut title-vignette, 48 (of 49) (fold./ double-p.) plates, 6 ills., contemp. vellum.

- Lacks 1 plate; 1 minor plate lacks part of image; 1 plate strengthened on fold; one plate sl. frayed and creased. Rebacked w. old vellum; covers duststained.

= Tiele 756; Cat. NHSM I, p.194; Cox I, p.116 (other eds.); cf. Lipperheide Ci 51. The rare first Dutch edition (orig. ed. 1691) of this detailed guide for Italy, very popular in its day, running through a large number of editions. Views of i.a. Augsburg, (the Bay of) Naples, Rome and Venice. Also costume-plates (i.a. of Augsburg and Nürnberg), architecture and natural history.

€ (300-500) 325
76 2703 Italy  Misson F M 76 2703 Italy Misson F M
76 2703 Italy  Misson F M 76 2703 Italy Misson F M
76/2703 [Italy]. Misson, F.M. Nieuwe reize na en door Italien, met een Bericht voor de gene die voornemens zyn dezelve Reize te doen. Ed. J. Addison. Utr., W. van de Water/ J. van Poolsum, 1724, 1st Dutch ed., 2 parts in 1 vol., (34),422; (2),426,(34)p., 2 ident. engr. titles by J. GOEREE, woodcut title-vignette, 49 (fold./ double-p.) plates, 6 ills., contemp. giltlettered hcalf, sm. 4to.

- Contents fine. Covers rubbed; top of spine chipped; backstrip worn at top of spine and along upper end of upper joint; corners worn.

= Tiele 756; Cat. NHSM I, p.194; Cox I, p.116 (other eds.); cf. Lipperheide Ci 51. The rare first Dutch edition (orig. ed. 1691) of this detailed guide for Italy, very popular in its day, running through a large number of editions. Views of i.a. Augsburg, (the Bay of) Naples, Rome and Venice. Also costume-plates (i.a. of Augsburg and Nürnberg), architecture and natural history. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CVIII.

€ (600-800)
76/2704 Italy  Panorama de la guerre d'Italie  lithographies coloriées représentant les combats et les batailles qui ont immortalisé nos soldats en Italie 76/2704 Italy Panorama de la guerre d'Italie lithographies coloriées représentant les combats et les batailles qui ont immortalisé nos soldats en Italie
76/2704 Italy  Panorama de la guerre d'Italie  lithographies coloriées représentant les combats et les batailles qui ont immortalisé nos soldats en Italie 76/2704 Italy Panorama de la guerre d'Italie lithographies coloriées représentant les combats et les batailles qui ont immortalisé nos soldats en Italie
76/2704 [Italy]. "Panorama de la guerre d'Italie (...) lithographies coloriées représentant les combats et les batailles qui ont immortalisé nos soldats en Italie." Pont-à-Mousson, Haguenthal, n.d. (±1860), (5)textp. (incl. title on upper pastedown), handcol. lithogr. leporello consisting of 8 plates on 18 leaves (3 single-p. and 5 triple-p. views), 21,5x306 cm. (total size), orig. handcol. lithogr. pict. boards.

- Rebacked w. cloth; closed tear in frontcover; corners sl. worn; covers sl. yellowed.


€ (400-600) 650
76/2705 Italy  Questi sono Capituli Ordinamenti e Constitutioni fatti posti & ordinati per la Fraternita della Gloriosa Vergine Maria della Misericordia de Bianchi della Terra detta Palaia di V76/2705 Italy Questi sono Capituli Ordinamenti e Constitutioni fatti posti & ordinati per la Fraternita della Gloriosa Vergine Maria della Misericordia de Bianchi della Terra detta Palaia di V
76/2705 Italy  Questi sono Capituli Ordinamenti e Constitutioni fatti posti & ordinati per la Fraternita della Gloriosa Vergine Maria della Misericordia de Bianchi della Terra detta Palaia di V76/2705 Italy Questi sono Capituli Ordinamenti e Constitutioni fatti posti & ordinati per la Fraternita della Gloriosa Vergine Maria della Misericordia de Bianchi della Terra detta Palaia di V
76/2705 [Italy]. "Questi sono Capituli, Ordinamenti, e Constitutioni: fatti, posti, & ordinati per la Fraternita della Gloriosa Vergine Maria della Misericordia de Bianchi della Terra detta Palaia di Valdera (...)". Late 16th. cent. (?), (8) lvs., Italian text on vellum, printed in black ink on recto and verso, 39 large initials in red ink, once surrounded by pen flourishing in brown ink, without binding.

- Partly yellowed; sl. fingersoiled in lower outer corners.

= The regulations and constitutions of the "Fraternita della Gloriosa Vergina Maria della Misericordia de Bianchi" from Palaia (Pisa). Contains i.a. regulations on how to enter the "Fraternita"; the proceedings after a member of the confraternity dies (the members will accompany the body to the "Sepultura" with a lit candle in hand); a prohibition to curse God, the Virgin Maria or any other saint and an obligation to love, help and assist any member of the confraternity since we are all "fratelli in Christo". The regulations and constitutions of the confraternity are approved and confirmed by the bishop of Lucca, Alessandro Giudiccione (senior (1549-1600) or junior (1557-1637)). With manuscript annotations dated "9 Julij 1600".

€ (80-100) 750
76 2706 Italy  Rogissart  A  de 76 2706 Italy Rogissart A de
76 2706 Italy  Rogissart  A  de 76 2706 Italy Rogissart A de
76/2706 [Italy]. Rogissart, (A.) de. Les délices de l'Italie. Vol. 1-3. Leyden, P. van der Aa, 1709, 3 (of 6) parts in 2 vols., (56),279; 147; 140p., 3 diff. engr. frontisp., fold. dedic. plate, 2 fold. maps, 5 fold. bird's eye views/ plans, 1 portrait, 61 (fold.) plates, contemp. unif. gilt calf w. mor. letterpiece.

- Sl. yellowed and occas. trifle foxed. Vol. 1 upper joint splitting; covers sl. chafed.

= Schudt p.173. Attractive views, intended for "(...) ceux qui voudront voïager dans ce beau païs; (...) ceux qui y ont deja été: & enfin (...) ceux qui ne l'ont jamais vû (...)" (preface). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CIX.

€ (500-700)
76/2707 Italy  Voltolynsche Tyrannye dat is Volcomen ende waerachtige Beschrijvinghe vanden schrickelijcken ende onmenschelicken Moort inden Lande van Voltolijn  ghedaen door de Barbarische S76/2707 Italy Voltolynsche Tyrannye dat is Volcomen ende waerachtige Beschrijvinghe vanden schrickelijcken ende onmenschelicken Moort inden Lande van Voltolijn ghedaen door de Barbarische S
76/2707 [Italy]. Voltolynsche Tyrannye, dat is: Volcomen ende waerachtige Beschrijvinghe vanden schrickelijcken ende onmenschelicken Moort inden Lande van Voltolijn (...) ghedaen door de Barbarische Spaensche macht, de Rebellen en Banditen den 9. ende 10. iul. Anno 1620. Arnhem, J. Janssen, 1621, (23)p., later marbled wr., sm. 4to.

- Sl. yellowed.

= Rare contemporary account of the bloody massacre of protestants in the valley of Valtellina, Northern Italy, during the Thirty Years' War. First published in German in Zürich.

€ (100-150) 100
76/2708 Italy Rome  Afbeeldinge Van 't Nieu Romen Waerin vertoont zijn De Kerken H Lichamen Reliquien Indulgentien Kloosters Hospitalien Oratorien Compagnien van Wereltlyke Persoonen Coll76/2708 Italy Rome Afbeeldinge Van 't Nieu Romen Waerin vertoont zijn De Kerken H Lichamen Reliquien Indulgentien Kloosters Hospitalien Oratorien Compagnien van Wereltlyke Persoonen Coll
76/2708 [Italy. Rome]. Afbeeldinge Van 't Nieu Romen. Waerin vertoont zijn De Kerken, H. Lichamen, Reliquien, Indulgentien, Kloosters, Hospitalien, Oratorien, Compagnien van Wereltlyke Persoonen, Collegien, Paleisen, Gebouwen, Architecturen, Schilderien, gesnedene Beelden, Bibliotheken, Studeerplaetsen, Hoven, Fonteinen ende Vlekken, soo binnen als buiten Romen, Paleisen, Cardinalen ende Princen, die de selfde verciert hebben, en andere seer aenmerkelyke dingen. Amst., J. van Meurs, 1661, (36),792p., engr. frontisp., 87 (fold.) plates, num. woodcut text-vignettes, contemp. overlapping vellum, sm. 8vo.

- Four plates dam. (chipped/ torn); upper hinge broken; traces of tape on frontisp. Vellum soiled; corners worn/ dam..

= With 5 plates more than called for. Schudt, Le Guide di Roma 210. Rare.

€ (200-300) 300
76 2709 Italy Rome  Bartoli P S 76 2709 Italy Rome Bartoli P S
76 2709 Italy Rome  Bartoli P S 76 2709 Italy Rome Bartoli P S
76 2709 Italy Rome  Bartoli P S 76 2709 Italy Rome Bartoli P S
76/2709 [Italy. Rome]. Bartoli, P.S. Admiranda Romanarum antiquitatum ac veteris sculpturae vestigia anaglyphico opere elaborata ex mormoreis exemplaribus quae Romae adhuc extant (...). Rome, De Rubeis, 1693, engr. title and 79 (of 83) plates, contemp. calf, obl. folio.

- Lacks 4 plates (no.18, 34, 51 and 81); partly sl. yellowed and fingersoiled; first ±25 plates waterst. in blank margins. Binding heavily worn; lacks backstrip.

= Rossetti 824; Brunet I, 759. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE CIX.

€ (500-700) 500
76/2710 Italy Rome  Korte Beschryvinge van het voorgevallene te Romen voor by en na het afsterven van zyne H Paus Clemens de XIIIde  76/2710 Italy Rome Korte Beschryvinge van het voorgevallene te Romen voor by en na het afsterven van zyne H Paus Clemens de XIIIde
76/2710 [Italy. Rome]. Korte Beschryvinge van het voorgevallene te Romen, voor, by, en na het afsterven van zyne H. Paus Clemens de XIIIde (...). Amst., H. de Wit, n.d. (1769), (2),18p., engr. title-p. by H. ELAND after J. GOEREE, 7 double-p. plates, i.a. by J. VAN VIANEN and J. DE LATER, contemp. hroan, folio.

- Lower blank margin mouldy/ dam. throughout; final plate w. closed tear into middle of image. Covers also mouldy/ dam. in lower margin.


€ (100-150)
76 2711 Italy Rome  Rycquius J 76 2711 Italy Rome Rycquius J
76 2711 Italy Rome  Rycquius J 76 2711 Italy Rome Rycquius J
76/2711 [Italy. Rome]. Rycquius, J. De Capitolio Romano commentarius. In quo, Illustria ejus olim Aedificia, Sacra, & Profona; Deorum Dearumque nomina: Arcus item Triumphales, Columnae, Statuae, Tropaea. Colossi, caeteraque Ornamenta adcuratè describuntur: & plura alia Antiquitatis Monimenta proferuntur, emendantur, explicantur. Leyden, J. du Vivié, 1696, (10),454[=456],(44),28,(8 bookseller's cat.)p., engr. frontisp. by R. DE HOOGHE, title vignette, 1 large fold. engr. bird's eye plan, 2 fold. plates, 17 ills., contemp. gilt vellum w. the coat of arms of Gorinchem within oval border w. 4 corner fleurons on both covers, gilt spine, 12mo.

- With manuscript schoolprize for "Cornelii Kneppelhout". Lacks W12 (as usual); owner's entry on first free endpaper; endpapers detached. Fine copy.

= Rossetti 9001; not in Landwehr. Spoelder 1.

€ (200-300)
76 2712 Italy Venice  Bembo P 76 2712 Italy Venice Bembo P
76/2712 [Italy. Venice]. Bembo, P. Della historia Vinitiana Libri XII. Venice, G. Scotto, 1552, 2nd ed., (14),179,(1) lvs., woodcut printer's mark (repeated on final leaf), contemp. calf w. mor. letterpiece, large 8vo.

- Occas. sl. waterst. in margins. Joints splitting; spine-ends sl. dam. and w. a few wormholes; corners showing.

= Cicogna p.76; STC BM Italian, p.80. First published in 1551 by the Aldine Press.

€ (200-300) 250
76 2713 Italy Venice  Freschot C  76 2713 Italy Venice Freschot C
76/2713 [Italy. Venice]. (Freschot, C.). Nouvelle relation de la ville et république de Venise. Utr., W. van Poolsum, 1709, 2 parts in 1 vol., (24),456; 214,(14)p., engr. title, contemp. blindst. panelled calf w. gilt spine, sm. 8vo.

- First and final few leaves (incl. title-p., engr. title and pastedowns) browned in margins from turn-ins. Spine-ends trifle rubbed; sm. spots of (unobtrusive) wear on covers. Otherwise a fine copy.

= Rare.

€ (300-500)
76 2714 Jansenism  Arnauld A  76 2714 Jansenism Arnauld A
76/2714 [Jansenism]. (Arnauld, A.). Nouvelle défense de la traduction du nouveau testament imprimée à Mons (...). Cologne, S. Schouten, 1680, (12),538[=536]p., contemp. overlapping vellum, sm. 8vo.

- Pastedowns loose; owners' annots. on first free endpaper/ title-p./ final blank; hinges split(ting). Binding soiled/ stained.

= From the library of J.W. Six (van Vromade), w. his bookplate. Barbier III, p.545.

€ (70-90) 70