1875 - 3189     OLD and RARE BOOKS

Page 26 of 66 Results 501 - 520 of 1315
76 2375 Carr J 76 2375 Carr J
76 2375 Carr J 76 2375 Carr J
76/2375 Carr, J. A tour through Holland, along the right and left banks of the Rhine, to the south of Germany, in the summer and autumn of 1806. London, printed by T. Gillet for R. Phillips, 1807, 1st ed., XV,(1),468p., 20 etched and aquatint plates and 1 engr. map of the course of the Rhine, modern leather w. use of contemp. calf covers, 4to.

- Occas. (sl.) foxed and w. some offsetting from the plates on opposite leaf; old owner's entry on first free endpaper.

= Abbey, Travel 216. Contains views of Amsterdam (2x), Andernach, Biberich, Bonn, Boppart, Coblenz & Ehrenbreitstein, Cologne, Darmstadt, Delft, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Haarlem, Leyden, Mainz, Rotterdam, Scheveningen, The Hague, Utrecht and the "Austerlitz Pyramid". SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCVI.

€ (200-300)
76 2376 Cats J 76 2376 Cats J
76/2376 Cats, J. Nuttelyck Huys-boeck. Behelsende eene Bespiegeling des 's Mensche (...) Benevens alle de Overgebleven Gedichten (...) Als mede: de Lof- en Rouw-Gedichten en Graft-Schriften, Op den Heere J. Cats. Leyden, H. van der Deyster, 1769, 2nd ed., (10),321,(11)p., engr. title. and 25 ills., contemp. calf w. gilt spine and mor. letterpiece, sm. 8vo.

- Bookplate on upper pastedown; sm. owner's entry on first blank; some offsetting from turn-ins. Upper joint starting at foot of spine.

= Cats STCN 23; Mus. Catsianum 248.

Idem. Gedachten op slaapeloose nachten (...) mitgaders Het Twee-en-tachtig-jarig Leven van den selven Heere, van zyn geboorte tot zyn dood toe; door hem zelf in vaarzen beschreven. Ibid., idem, 1769, 10th ed., (14),233,(5)p., engr. title by J. LAMSVELD, num. ills., bound unif. w. the preceding, sm. 8vo.

- Bookplate on upper pastedown; sm. owner's entry on first blank; some offsetting from turn-ins. Covers sl. rubbed.

= Cats STCN 45; Mus. Catsianum 233.

AND 2 others by the same, bound unif. w. the preceding, sm. 8vo: Sinne- en Minne-Beelden: Selfstryt: Tooneel der Mannelyke Agtbaarheydt: Galathea of Herdersklagt: Klaegende Maegden (...). (ibid., idem, 1779, 4 parts in 1 vol., engr. frontisp., num. mainly emblematical ills.) and Ouderdom, Buyten Leven, en Hof Gedachten. Op Nieuws vermeerderd met des Auteurs Tachtig jarig leven en Bedenkingen op Zorg-vliet (Amst., J. Conynenberg, n.d. (±1710), 7 parts in 1 vol., 3 (diff.) engr. frontisp., 3 (fold.) plates by D. BONGAERT, num. (mainly ½-page) ills. (Partly waterst.).

€ (100-150) 180
76 2377 Cats J 76 2377 Cats J
76/2377 Cats, J. Spiegel van den ouden en nieuwen tydt, Bestaende Uyt Spreekwoorden, ontleent van de voorige en jegenwoordige Eeuwe (...). Vermeerdert met groote meenigte van Spreekwoorden/ door geheel het Werk. Amst., J. Konynenberg, n.d. (±1715), (14),320p., engr. title, num. woodcut ills., sl. later hroan, sm. 8vo.

- Bookblock trimmed (occas. almost reaching text); sl. stained and fingersoiled. Binding trifle worn.

= Cats STCN 202; Mus. Catsianum 167.

AND 3 others by the same, all (sl.) worn copies, i.a. 's Werelds Begin, Midden, Eynde, besloten in den Trouwring (Amst., n.d., ills., later hcl.).

€ (70-90) 110
76 2378 Cats J 76 2378 Cats J
76 2378 Cats J 76 2378 Cats J
76/2378 Cats, J. (Werken). Amst., J.J. Schipper, 1664-1665, 5 parts in 1 vol., 1 engr. title, num. (large) title-engravings and engr. text ills., contemp. vellum, 4to.

- Lacks title-p. to the first work; first lvs. margins restored. Binding sl. stained; vellum cracking at top of spine.

= 1. Sinne- en Minne-Beelden: Selfstryt: Tooneel der Mannelyke Agtbaarheydt (prob. lacks title-p.); 2. Houwelick, dat is, het gantsche Beleyt des Echten-Staets; 3. Spiegel van den Ouden en Nieuwen Tijdt. 4. 's Werelts Begin, Midden, Eynde, Beslooten in den Trou-ringh, met den Proef-steen van den selven; 5. Ouderdom, Buyten-leven, En Hof-gedachten, op Sorghvliet.

Idem. Alle de wercken, soo Oude als Nieuwe. Vol. 1. Amst./ Utr., D. van den Dalen a.o./ J. and W. van de Water, 1700, "de laatste druk", (28),666,(10)p., engr. frontisp., num. div. titles, 1 portrait, num. textills. (i.a. fine emblems), later hcalf, folio.

- The first vol. (of 2) only; two text lvs. w. tear; lower corner waterst. at the end; hinges strengthened. Spine and board-edges rubbed.

= Cats STCN 6; Mus. Catsianum 5.

€ (100-150) 160
76 2379 Cave W 76 2379 Cave W
76 2379 Cave W 76 2379 Cave W
76/2379 Cave, W. Het eerste Christendom, of de Godsdienst der Oude Christenen, In de eerste eeuwen des Evangeliums. Dutch transl. S. Bor. Amst., R. and G. Wetstein, 1711, 3rd ed., (46),647,(55)p., engr. title and 6 fold. plates i.a. by C. LUIKEN, contemp. blindst. vellum, sm. 8vo.

- Frontisp. mentions 1724 (4th ed.); yellowed; (sl.) waterst. in margins; one plate outer margin trimmed to image; one plate. w. sm. marginal tear and remnants of sellotape; one plate w. tears along folds, repaired/ reinforced w. paper and w. remnants of sellotape. Recased/ rebound w. use of contemp. binding.

= Translation of Primitive Christianity; or, the Religion of the Ancient Christians (1673). Knuttel, Kerkgeschiedenis p.61; Klaversma/ Hannema 360; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 239.

€ (50-70)
76 2380 Cave W 76 2380 Cave W
76/2380 Cave, W. De godsdienst der oude Christenen, in de eerste eeuwen des Evangeliums. Dutch transl. S. Bor. Amst., A. van Ravestein, 1694, (56),645,(49)p., engr. frontisp. by J. VAN DEN AVEELE, 6 fold. engr. plates i.a. by J. and C. LUIKEN, contemp. vellum, sm. 8vo.

- Pastedowns loose. Otherwise fine.

= Klaversma/ Hannema 362; Van Eeghen/ Van der Kellen 239.

€ (80-100) 80
76 2381 Cellarius C 76 2381 Cellarius C
76/2381 Cellarius, C. Geographia Antiqua iuxta & Nova. Jena, J. Bielcke, 1698, 3rd ed., (22),470,(71)p., engr. title w. double-hemisphere worldmap by C. WEIGEL, contemp. vellum, 12mo.

- Title-p. cut short in right margin w. sl. loss of text; frontisp. trimmed to left and upper borderline; tear in one leaf; pastedowns detached. Vellum lacks portions at lower edge of covers.

= Shirley 552 (for the worldmap).

BOUND WITH: Idem. Geographia Antiqua ad veterum Historiarum, sive a principio rerum ad Constantini Magni tempora deductarum (...). Ibid., idem, 1697, 3rd ed., (4),264,(60)p.

- One leaf lacks sm. portion w. loss of text.

€ (100-150) 120
76 2382 Cervantes Saavedra M de 76 2382 Cervantes Saavedra M de
76/2382 Cervantes Saavedra, M. de. Don Quichotte de la Manche. French transl. Florian. Paris, P. Didot for Deterville, 1799, 3 vols., (4),XVI,367; (4),414; (4),418p., 24 engr. plates, contemp. unif. hcalf w. mor. letter- and vol. piece, large 8vo.

- All vols. bookplate on upper pastedown; occas. sl. foxed. Bindings trifle rubbed; corners showing.

= Rius I, 513: "Primera edición de la traducción de Florian, bien impresa con caracteres claros y de buen cuerpo."

€ (150-250) 150
76 2383 Cervantes Saavedra M de 76 2383 Cervantes Saavedra M de
76 2383 Cervantes Saavedra M de 76 2383 Cervantes Saavedra M de
76/2383 Cervantes Saavedra, M. de. Los Seis Libros de Galatea. Madrid, A. de Sancha, 1784, 2 vols., XVI,304; (4),364p., 10 engr. plates after J. XIMENO, contemp. unif. marbled calf w. gilt spine and 2 contrasting mor. letterpieces.

- Fine, attractively bound set.

= Rius I, 208: "(...) En cuanto á la parte material baste decir que por sus gallardos tipos, excelente impresión, escogido papel y buen gusto tipográfico, es digna de la fama que la casa de Sancha habiá adquirido. La adornan 9 láminas [our copy has 10 plates while some other copies have 11 or 12] de Josef Ximeno, á las que no falta intención y propiedad, grabadas en cobre." The first edition with these plates.

€ (150-250) 375
76 2384 Ceylon  Percival R 76 2384 Ceylon Percival R
76 2384 Ceylon  Percival R 76 2384 Ceylon Percival R
76/2384 [Ceylon]. Percival, R. An account of the Island of Ceylon, containing its history, geography, natural history, with the manners and customs of its various inhabitants; to which is added, the journal of an embassy to the court of Candy. London, C. and R. Baldwin, 1803, XII,420p., 4 fold. engr. maps, modern giltlettered hcalf, 4to.

- Lacks htitle; some occas. foxing; partly w. faint waterstain in upper blank corner; large fold. general map w. some (sm.) repaired tears (mainly) on folds.

= De Silva/ Beumer p.250 and 385; DNB II, 1636: "He gives various instances of Dutch cruelty and treachery and attempts to characterise three classes of natives - the Cingalese of the coast, the Candians of the interior, and the Malays. Sydney Smith declared the work, to abound with curious and important information."

€ (200-300) 200
76 2385 Chapeauville J 76 2385 Chapeauville J
76/2385 Chapeauville, J. Catechismi Romani elucidatio scholastica. Liége, Henri Hovius, 1600, (16),758[=757],(579)p., engr. title, contemp richly gilt overlapping vellum, gauffered edges., a.e.g.

- Lvs. partly waterstained/ browned and foxed; owner's entries and bookplate on upper endpapers. Binding w. a few imperfections., lacks ties; sl. warped.

= Rare.

€ (100-150) 100
76 2386 Chess Chessmen  Chinese export ivory 'puzzle ball' figural chess set 76 2386 Chess Chessmen Chinese export ivory 'puzzle ball' figural chess set
76 2386 Chess Chessmen  Chinese export ivory 'puzzle ball' figural chess set 76 2386 Chess Chessmen Chinese export ivory 'puzzle ball' figural chess set
76 2386 Chess Chessmen  Chinese export ivory 'puzzle ball' figural chess set 76 2386 Chess Chessmen Chinese export ivory 'puzzle ball' figural chess set
76 2386 Chess Chessmen  Chinese export ivory 'puzzle ball' figural chess set 76 2386 Chess Chessmen Chinese export ivory 'puzzle ball' figural chess set
76 2386 Chess Chessmen  Chinese export ivory 'puzzle ball' figural chess set 76 2386 Chess Chessmen Chinese export ivory 'puzzle ball' figural chess set
76 2386 Chess Chessmen  Chinese export ivory 'puzzle ball' figural chess set 76 2386 Chess Chessmen Chinese export ivory 'puzzle ball' figural chess set
76 2386 Chess Chessmen  Chinese export ivory 'puzzle ball' figural chess set 76 2386 Chess Chessmen Chinese export ivory 'puzzle ball' figural chess set
76/2386 [Chess. Chessmen]. Chinese export ivory 'puzzle-ball' figural chess set, late 19th cent., in white and red ivory, height of King 13,5 cm., height of pawns 6,5 cm.

- The two sides are not entirely identical: the Kings and bishops are different. A few chessmen restored or w. sm. imperfection: the sword of one red pawn loose (but present); two white pawns lack sword (not present); the red king lacks the plume of his hat; a few red chessmen w. rubbed spots revealing the white colour of the ivory underneath.

WITH a CHINESE FOLDING CHESS BOARD, lacquered in black and gold, 19th cent., the "black" squares and the borders around the playing field as well as the sides of the chessboard richly decorated with gilt seated venerable men (on the black squares) and floral motifs (in borders) and men standing in front of a small house in a garden (on sides), 42,5x42,5x3,8 cm.

- The chess board duststained and a few scratches; one vertical side of the chess board scorched and blackened by fire.

= A nicely decorated backgammon playing field on the inside of the box.

€ (700-900)
76 2387 China  Dapper O 76 2387 China Dapper O
76 2387 China  Dapper O 76 2387 China Dapper O
76/2387 [China]. Dapper, O. Gedenkwaerdig Bedryf der Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Maetschappye, op de Kuste en in het Keizerrijk van Taising of Sina (...). Beneffens een Beschryving van geheel Sina. Amst., J. van Meurs, 1670, 2 parts in 1 vol., (8),504,(6); (2),263,(1)p., engr. frontisp., 1 double-p. chart, 34 double-p./ fold. (incl. 6 single-p.) plates), 57 half-p. ills., contemp. calf w. gilt spine, large 4to.

- Lacks 1 plate ("Hoksieuw met de Voor-stad"); (sl.) waterstained at the beginning and end. Joints splitting; spine-ends chipped; corners worn/ bumped.

= Including a few contemp. handcol. single-p. plates. Landwehr, VOC 544; Tiele 304; Cordier, Sinica 2348 and 27; Lipperheide Le4; Lust 507. The first edition, describing the 2nd and 3rd embassies of the VOC to China, with accounts of the events on Formosa and a description of China. The second part in first issue without the 4 folding plates with reproductions of Chinese illustrations (always lacking in the first issue). The plates and illustrations show a great variety of (large) town views, architecture, customs, natural history etc. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCVII.

€ (700-900) 900
76 2388 China  Montanus A 76 2388 China Montanus A
76 2388 China  Montanus A 76 2388 China Montanus A
76 2388 China  Montanus A 76 2388 China Montanus A
76 2388 China  Montanus A 76 2388 China Montanus A
76/2388 [China]. Montanus, A. Atlas Chinensis: Being a Second Part of a Relation Remarkable Passages in two Embassies from the East-India Company of the United Provinces to the Vice-roy Singlamong and General Taising Lipovi, and to Konchi, Emperor of China and East-Tartary. London, Th. Johnson for the author, 1771, (6),723,(1)p., engr. title-p., 2 double-p. maps, 31 (of 32) (fold.) double-p. views/ plates, 4 (of 6) single-p. plates, num. text ills., contemp. mottled calf w. richly gilt spine and red mor. letterpiece, marbled edges, folio.

- Lacks 2 textleaves (p. 699-702), 1 double-p. plate (The Station of Ceremonies used at the Funerals of Great Persons) and 2 single-p. plates (Quantekong and The Marks of the Mandarins fig.2); sm. bookplate on upper pastedown ("J.E."). Binding sl. rubbed; foot of spine chipped. Otherwise a very good copy, with all plates in fine condition.

= Cordier, Sinica 2349; Lust 525 SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCVII.

€ (2.500-3.500) 2750
76 2389 China  Nieuhof J 76 2389 China Nieuhof J
76 2389 China  Nieuhof J 76 2389 China Nieuhof J
76 2389 China  Nieuhof J 76 2389 China Nieuhof J
76 2389 China  Nieuhof J 76 2389 China Nieuhof J
76/2389 [China]. Nieuhof, J. Legatio Batavica ad Magnum Tartariae Chamum Sungteium, Modernum Sinae Imperatorem. Historiarum Narratione, quae Legatis in Provinciis Quantung, Kiangsi, Nanking, Xantung, Peking (...) nec non Artis & Naturae miraculus ex Animalium, Vegetabilium (...). Amst., J. van Meurs, 1668, 2 parts in 1 vol., (4),184; 172,(8)p., engr. frontisp., title-vign., fold. map, 35 double-p. plates and 109 textills., contemp. panelled, sprinkled and blindst. calf w. gilt spine w. red mor. letterpiece, folio.

- Lacks the portrait, but with an extra double-p. plate (before p.167); a few plates sl. yellowed. Covers sl. chafed and corners sl. rubbed, but still an attractive binding.

= The first Latin edition of one of the very few non-Jesuit sources on China of the period. Landwehr, VOC 542; Tiele 801; Cordier, Bibl. Sinica p. 2346f; cf. Lust 534ff (other eds.). Walravens, China illustrata, no. 63/64 (German eds.): "Nieuhofs Chinawerk ist bis heute eines der bedeutendsten und gesuchtesten. Allein die 150 Abbildungen und Karten, die das Buch zieren und die nach Zeichnungen des Autors aufgeführt wurden, haben beachtlichen Wert. Bis weit in das 18.Jahrhundert hinein wurden sie immer wieder nachgedruckt und nachgeschnitten und prägten weitgehend das Chinabild der Zeit". The double-p. plates mainly depicting panoramic city views. "Was aber seinem Buch den höchsten Wert verleiht ist die Fülle prachtvollster Kupfertafeln von Städten, Landschaften, Volkstypen" (Henze). SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCVIII.

€ (1.500-2.000) 1600
76 2390 China  Staunton G T 76 2390 China Staunton G T
76 2390 China  Staunton G T 76 2390 China Staunton G T
76/2390 [China]. Staunton, G.T. An Historical Account of the Embassy to the Emperor of China, Undertaken by order of the King of Great Britain; including The Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants; and Preceded by an Account of the Causes of the Embassy and Voyage to China (...). London, J. Stockdale, 1797, abridged edition, XIV,(1),475,(5)p., engr. frontisp., title-p. and 33 ills. on 23 plates (incl. 2 fold. maps), 19th cent. giltlettered hcalf.

- Sl. yellowed and occas. sl. foxed; plates cut sl. short (affecting publ. address and occas. outer margin of image). Paper over covers rubbed/ worn; upper joint splitting.

= Cordier Sinica 2383f; Western Travellers in China 548. SEE ILLUSTRATION PLATE XCV.

€ (150-250) 170
76 2391 Choffin D E  76 2391 Choffin D E
76 2391 Choffin D E  76 2391 Choffin D E
76/2391 (Choffin, D.E.). Amusemens philologiques; ou mélange agréable de diverses pièces, concernant l'histoire des personnes célèbres, les évènemens mémorables, les Usages & les Monumens des anciens, la Morale, la Mythologie, & l'Histoire naturelle. Halle, à la Maison des Orphelins, 1785, 6th ed., 2 vols., (30),480; (22),448,(32)p., 2 ident. engr. frontisp., 2 different title-vignettes, 9 plates (1 fold.), contemp. unif. hcalf w. gilt spine and red mor. letterpiece, sm. 8vo.

- Occas. sl. waterstained in margins; occas. foxed (a few plates partly heavily). Paper over covers (sl.) chafed.

= Extensive educational work by David-Etienne Choffin which was first published in 1749. A collection of short chapters dealing with a broad range of subjects, such as literature, history, fruits, botany, zoology, the universe, classical antiquity, architecture, death, linguistics, precious stones, snow etc. etc.

€ (60-80) 60
76 2392 Christyn J B  76 2392 Christyn J B
76/2392 (Christyn, J.B.). Costumen ende Recueil der recessen voor de Regeringhe der Stadt Maestricht. Antw., M. Knobbaert, 1682, engr. title-vignette, p.1035-1068, without binding, folio.

- Sl. yellowed; sm. dampstain on title-p.; without binding.

= Section on Maastricht taken from J.B. CHRISTYN'S, Brabant's recht dat is generale costumen van (...) Brabant (...) Limborch (...) Mechelen.

ADDED: another small section from the same work on Maastricht.

€ (40-60) 50
76 2393 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Anacreon 76 2393 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Anacreon
76/2393 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Anacreon. Odaria. Ad textus Barnesiani fidem emendata. Ed. E. Forster. London, J. White and G. Miller, 1802, 1st ed., (4),130p., 20 vignettes by L. FORSTER, ENTIRELY ENGRAVED Greek text, contemp. gilt blindst. mor., a.e.g.

- Bookplate on upper pastedown; owners' annots. on first blank; one leaf lower outer corner torn off; lower endpapers w. (sm.) inkstain. Spine sl. worn.

= Schweiger p.25f; Lowndes I, p.37.

€ (80-100) 100
76 2394 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Appianus Alexandrinus 76 2394 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Appianus Alexandrinus
76 2394 Classical antiquity and neolatinism  Appianus Alexandrinus 76 2394 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Appianus Alexandrinus
76/2394 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Appianus Alexandrinus. Tre libri. Cioé della guerra che i Romani fecero in Ispagna et della guerra a fatta da' Romani. Italian transl. by A. Braccio and G. Ruscelli. Venice, Camillo Franceschini, 1575, 88 lvs., woodcut printer's marks, later hvellum.

- Sm. owner's entry on title in sl. later hand; occas. trifle stained.

= Schweiger p.41.

€ (150-250) 200